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Marketing Checkpoint

Pros and cons of posting a "pretty face".


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Does adding a pretty face to your splash page, landing page, etc.  increase the number of hits to your site?

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Does adding a pretty face to your splash page, landing page, etc.  increase the number of hits to your site?


I also would like to know if a pretty face will increase the number of signups compared to an average face or no picture at all.

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Its a such a great question. I read it yesterday, and then I did my normal gathering of credits, but this time, with your question in mind.


For one, I find that any face on a page draws the eye to the ad.


Then I also noticed that in almost every instance, that face is not just a pretty face, but it portrays a state of being. That is either a wholesome, healthy, happy look, Or the look of a successful business person.


This is also something I noticed about the "happy family" look, the successful retired (wealthy) couple look etc.


I've never really used any faces in my own designs (except my own from time to time, which is not the same thing lol), but now I can see why its done :)

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I think it works, just watch tv marketing, they always do it, and they expend millions on that.


You're absolutely correct!  Even when the product has nothing to do with sexuality there you have the sexy image of a woman (or man).


I believe we as humans are naturally drawn to images of "beauty."  As a result marketing firms will invest billions on this concept in advertising. 

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Guest mrclean0325

Over the years there has been a mountain of research into the subject and what it points to is that people do react to a pretty face.


Doing brain scans of people looking at different images causes changes in the brain and the release of chemicals. Basically faces are like drugs to us and we react accordingly. The adverting industry goes to great lengths to (and spends a considerable amount of money) find these things through research. They use the results to sell more stuff to us and they are very good at it. They know what kind of faces release what amounts of chemicals in our brains and use it across all manner of people and cultures.


This is why you don't see "unattractive" people using the product they are trying to sell. We would be remiss to not use the data and techniques they have honed over the years.


It is also kinda scary as to the extent advertisers will go to influence us to buy their stuff like subliminal advertising and other "mind control" type techniques. :)

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Does adding a pretty face to your splash page, landing page, etc.  increase the number of hits to your site?

I don't necessarily think it will help sell a product or service that the viewer simply isn't interested in, but I think it will make people pay more attention to your sales page, which in turn could indirectly lead to sales. I think it must help, in general.  How many news shows have you seen on TV where the lead anchor wasn't an attractive man or woman?  Even down to the field reporter level, they're all pleasing to the eye.    

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Thanks to all of you for your enlightening posts on this subject.  Everyone has thoughtful insights and opinions.

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
with apprehension; the other is with anticipation  .

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