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Marketing Checkpoint


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Posts posted by Ray

  1. I read the book several years back when  it came out .  I found the book extremely helpful in allowing   you to see  where you were if working  or building a business. Also the  different distinctions between each quadrant, allowed you to see where your were as it related to  trading time for money or utilizing a system as pointed out  in the c quadrant or investing in the   I quadrant.


    The key take away from the  book was did one want to trade all of their time a way working or learn to change quadrants or be in several quadrants. or learn to invest and begin to mind only your business.. As a employee your first line item of expense is

    the other guys business then the consumer debt, credit cards, mortgagees, car loans and the list continues. So in effect we are

    minding everyone else's business except our own.


    So the cash flow quadrant is critical to  understanding  where your are and deciding what is the best quadrant to be in  Additionally the  fundamentals should be applied using your financial statement and learning to focus only on your asset column and putting

    investments there  to begin generating cash flow which will go up to your income column  and also incorporating your business so  that you can cut expenses and increase your cash flow further.

  2. For starters, get you a  auto responder at a reasonable cost. Then start building your list and

    find a few good programs to promote to the list you will begin to  earn commisions


    While you are doing that you can learn to build a business in sfi. Now that is a completely free

    program and you can get started for free.This approach can get you going in a good direction.



  3. So it doesn't bother you when you send out a KILLER offer and check back to find only 1% to 2% of the 1600 emails you sent, were even opened? Then figure how many opened them just to get credits and your message may have been seen by only a handful of people. How much is that worth in hard dollars?

    I'm only indicating what services both the mailers are providing.

  4. I have heard of post card for profits and it seem to be a membership program.I beleive they have been

    around for several years now.The initial investment was about a hundred or  more depending on which level you wanted to start at.Then you will have a monthly of about twenty five dollars depending on the package you select.


    I was part of gdi some years ago and one of the uplines in the business, claimed it was among the

    the more profitable progams on the internet.Also .I have come across a similar program where you

    buy  into a opportunity and the marketing system sits atop the actual opportunity, which is really a

    a gateway to the opportunity and the marketing system is a business its self, completely seperate of the actual opportunity which isreally a scam where you buy the marketing system just to be part of the business opportuity every month.

  5. Money can be made on the internet.One good approach is to have your own marketing system and promote what you are offering from that site.


    You have to be building your list, in order to  present your offers to that list after the klt, have been built.From that  point  just work the safelist and viral mailers and a few traffic exchanges building you list.


    Make sure to build that relationship with your list and one more thing ,don't spam the list you will be building and it is going to take a consistent effort.Rome wasn't build over night and nothing else either.



  6. Decide on what kind of maketing you want to do first ,to make money online.Then I would suggest from that decision you get involved in some training to learn how  money is being made in the area you have chosen.


    Once you have received some training in your chosen area, then get started working in your area and set up some plans ,what you want to accomplish and how much time and or money to invest to reach your income goals. You really want to stay focused on your particular area of making money and don't get distracted by every shinny object.


    Get organized and set your self up  a simple system and work at it daily with the time your have.What ever you do stay focused on your initial plan and don't stray and that will give you a foundation to build from till you have had some success.


    You can have all the success on line if you just help others, get what they want along the way.


    To Your Success




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