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Marketing Checkpoint


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Posts posted by JennMcMillan

  1. I'm promoting a program called Premiere Cash Back.  Works with two retail businesses, Chatfords which is an art broker and Salustra which is high end health supplement co.

    To begin earning a free member must buy $50 worth of product from either store.  That's it.  From that point there are no more purchases needed to earn/ qualify/ retain volume.

    And a member will earn passively from that purchase. Recruitment is not required. To qualify for the third level, three referrals are needed. Your earnings increase as your refs move through the income sharing levels with matching bonuses etc.

    I have already qualified for my 3rd level since 3 of my BMOB leads have joined my team.  I have also earned more in matching bonuses that I have since I used to make money with YT and CB years back.  

    PCB and BMOB work very well together from my experience.

  2. I have been using Boost My Online Biz for a few weeks and I really like the perfect timing feature that gets the email to the lead when they are most likely to open it. The price is good for our budget.  We were just getting into email marketing and the previous system we used was harder to set up and get going.  I like the free email templates they offer and 2 of them convert even better than the best converting swipes from our mentor.  No complaints here.  As long as the leads keep responding I'll keep paying.

  3. I submitted a ticket asking Morgan to Skype me and was quite surprised when I got a call.  Seems nice enough and knows her stuff.  I noticed they have a “Perfect Timing” feature similar to Get Responses. Still reading reviews and haven’t decided on this one quite yet.  I did however hear back from a IM blogger I’ve been reading for years and he said it passed his scrutiny, so I’m leaning more towards joining soon than later. I wonder if their Perfect Timing actually does anything.  Haven’t noticed any difference using it in GR even with mailings to nearly 2500 so I’m wondering if you will only see the benefit with larger lists sizes.

  4. Buying traffic can indeed be a daunting task when first getting into it.  My suggestion would be to begin testing with a diversified portfolio.  Start testing with solo ads/mailers, maybe some traffic exchanges, there are a few ad co-ops out there you can try...basically stuff like that.  Also, I like to go with my gut and sometime try things out of the blue that don't seem to make sense. For example, I have spent money on sites that have a good reputation with flashy graphics, only to be terribly disappointed.  Other sites I have tried with the most old school graphics have proven to be the most profitable.

  5. The best advice I believe I ever received for making money on the net was to just "jump in" and begin taking in information and trying stuff out.  I opted into a few free safelists, I subscribed to a few guru autoresponders, plus I spent a lot of time reading the warrior forum.  I suggest newbs do similar things along those lines!

  6. As many hours per day that I can spare... I think I avg. around 2-3... Xmas was the exception with almost ZERO time spent which is not good.  Can anyone guess my New Years resolution lol... spending a whole heck of a lot more time on online business.  B)

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