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Marketing Checkpoint


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Posts posted by absorbinfo

  1. Hi Everyone

    I've been on Ben Harris’ list for a number of years and have had access to several of his mentoring webinars and I must say that they are the cream of the crop.

    In regards to his Newspaper venture, I’m impressed. Here is my actual results from yesterday with “Package 1 subscription”:  

    Zone 1 (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont)

    Zone 6 (Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas)

    Zone 8 (Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah and Wyoming)

    Zone 1 - 52 Offer Page Views

    Zone 6 - 132 Offer Page Views

    Zone 8 - 44 Offer Page Views

    Zone 1 - 6 Click-Throughs

    Zone 6 - 17 Click-Throughs

    Zone 8 - 11 Click-Throughs


    The billing addresses on 2 new sales yesterday were from Denver and Dallas, indicating they came from zones 6 and 8.  I will keep these 2 zones and swap out zone 1 when my next zone change comes up in a few days.

  2. I wonder if anyone would like to comment on this "back and forth" I came across in the Warrior Forum regarding safelists and Paypal...curious what members here think ?!?



    Paypal has pretty much decimated half of the safe-list/email marketing industry. How have they been doing this? Any merchant with a Paypal account Talk that is conducting business within the safe-list/email marketing world is permanently having their Paypal accounts shut down.

    Don't believe me then check out some of the threads in this forum: Sharing & Advertising Community

    ...and talk to Darren Olander, Maryanne Myers, etc etc who have all been dumped by Paypal and are in the process of trying to pick up the pieces.

    You are talking about one small segment of internet commerce. Safelists are notorious for chargebacks or refund requests and for good reason. 

    I know how safelists work and can do well with them, but most people do not and when they pay a safelist for pageviews and get absolutely no return then they will seek refunds and if no refund is given then they will initiate a chargeback.

    If the safelist owners want to keep paypal accounts in good standing they should take it into their own hands and teach people how to use them. many safelists are encouraging people to build a downline and to paypal this could look like a pyramid scheme.

    I am currently a member of 50+ safelists and I know how to use them but my guess is many people do not. And many will continue to join and get angry because they feel they were lied to. 

    So what I am saying is do not blame paypal because your business is shady


  3. My most responsive safelist is always the ones that the gurus are promoting at the same time. You guys know what I'm talking about :)


    If I get a blast from Darren O. or Marty Petrizza alerting me to a new mailer launch for example, plus if I start seeing it on login page ads, I know it's going to grow pretty big and end up being a really good list.

  4. I prefer lifetime upgrades! I am in over 300 mailers and upgraded

    in about half of them.

    Wow! you're in 300 and upgraded in roughly half...I am curious as to how you structure your mailings John.  Do you send to all 150 six days per week? Do you have any tips or tricks that you've learned along the way that you wouldn't mind sharing with the community :)

  5. If I have a decent size of money and time invested into a specific program or ad site, I really appreciate it when support responds to my query the very same day.


    I understand that if I am a free member, then I might have to wait a bit longer in the queu, but if I am a paid upgraded member I expect to be treated accordingly.

  6. I like promoting sites that offer 100% commissions.  Once you get a taste of 100% it's really hard to go back to a lesser percentage.


    The 100% commission sites are usually the ones that you have to personally buy at into at a certain level, in order to get paid when you sell that level to someone else.


    Empower Network was the first program I came across back in the day that had this business model.

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