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Marketing Checkpoint

Maria McCarthy

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Posts posted by Maria McCarthy

  1. Maryanne... I hope you're right! :)


    I do feel that there has been a bit of a shift lately... so people are definitely starting to get smart.


    But you wouldn't believe some of the things Jon has said where, right after he's said them, I think "Ok, now these people are going to see what a load of BS this is." But they don't! The internet is full of people willing to believe anything they say as long as they flash expensive gadgets on their TELive screens. What those people don't realize is that following the Timtech crew isn't going to get them any flashy gadgets, it's only going to get more for Timtech! Timtech isn't there to help anyone, they are their to only help themselves.


    Perfect example... Sunny Suggs just opened a TE a week or so ago... and I want everyone to look up a Spreecast on google that she did (look it up fast because once they see this, they will pull the video - I have it saved) look up "Sunny Suggs" and "Click Your Face Off Again" and watch that video... between the 20-22 minute mark she tells everyone that she started the TE "Click Your Face Off" because she was "broke." Ok, Timtech.. so you mean to tell me that this woman who has worked for you and followed you and has done everything you've told her to do is still broke after years? Call me crazy, but how do any of their followers watch something like that and not realize that following Timtech is hopeless for them. You can make money online, but you surely are not going to do it following Timtech. There are only a few people who make money from Timtech and I won't name them now, but they are just as dirty as Timtech. You'll know who I'm talking about when you see those "big" names promoting them. 


    And here's an example of one of those ridiculous things that Jon Olson said, where I thought people would finally see what a sham it all was...Jon Olson was trying to bully an admin who was launching a new site... he was trying to alienate that admin; get other admins not to promote his launch by calling anyone who promoted his launch "Cash Grabbers" (while there are cash grabbers out there, for sure, the shoe didn't fit in this case) Anyway.. no one wants to be pegged as a "cash grabber"... but a few people saw this for what it was and said "Hey, wait a second... didn't you just promote the Legacy Clix launch before the site was even done or the graphics? That wasn't a cash grab?" And this was one of those times when Jon decided to say it was all part of their marketing plan to get people talking (Hand to heart, I'm not exaggerating!) I thought for sure that this one comment would wake some people up... but, no.


    Now they are writing a report/book about all their haters and trying to position themselves as "victim." I'm sure they will be able to sell that idea to a few but I hope that more people will begin to see these things for what they really are = manipulations.


    It can be very confusing for folks because Timtech is very good an manipulating vulnerable individuals who maybe don't think they have what it takes to make it on their own, so they are looking for someone to follow. And there are some other big folks who are greedy and know Timtech is good at that, and they want a piece of the pie too, so they promote them... even when they know it's wrong. I don't see how it's possible that they DON'T know it's wrong to promote Timtech, because how could you tell people to spend their money with a company that has closed down 3 sites and taken all the money their members spent at those sites, without so much as an apology and NOT know that is wrong? I would have to believe that some pretty big names out there are not very smart for me to believe that. And so, there are these big names, who want a piece of that pie, promoting Timtech too and that is even more confusing to people with no marketing experience online.

    But, if your one of those people reading this, don't be fooled by the big names promoting... and don't be fooled by the people who have been hanging on for years and haven't gotten anywhere yet... like Sunny Suggs... because those people have been spending their money for so long with Timtech that they don't want to admit to themselves that it was all a waste - that would just be too painful... they don't want to start over... and so they force themselves to keep believing, no matter what reality tells them.

  2. There has been an increase in the number of reports this week and last week for frame-breakers and explicit sites, but for many of them, when I check the links, they just look like regular marketing links or sites.. there is nothing wrong with the link/site which leaves me in a bit of a conundrum when trying to decide if I should ban the link.. some of them are sites where I actually know the owners and know their sites are not normally frame-breakers & they don't usually contain porn. There is definitely something going on right now...sweeping the community, it seems. I've spoken to other admins who have been getting the same strange reports where the links appear fine to them when they check them...

  3. No one is trying to bully anyone, Jerry :) I think we are just saying it's ok to and it's time to discuss this. It's NOT ok to pretend that what they did, didn't happen. It's NOT ok that Jon Olson posted a Spreecast 4 days ago (I'm sure there's been more that are no longer up) bragging about expensive gadgets he got with the money that people sent his company because they trusted him. (Bad taste & bad timing) People from places that couldn't well afford those "indulgences" and probably went without because of the hope and belief that he inspired in them before letting them down.


    You want two sides of the story? Go to the last Spreecast and read my comments. I've never been so disgusted in my life and I didn't hold back. And I'm not worried about the repercussions and I never will be.


    It hurts our reputations, as fellow site owners & admin if we pretend this was ok and just sweep it under the rug. And there was a certain way that many of us would expect them to act, for forgiveness to follow, and that Spreecast certainly was not it.


    Yes, people make mistakes. I will make mistakes as I go along, I'm 100% sure of that. But you can bet your bottom dollar that my response to those mistakes will never resemble the response that I've seen from TT the past month or so. A little birdie told me about Nerdbux, soon after it happened. I've kept my lips sealed for as long as I can. I've just been waiting for them to do something that would allow me to forgive them, respect them & not worry about our community but it hasn't happened yet.


    Two sides of the story is a great idea... let's hope these discussions provoke sthe story to come forth, from the horses mouth because we've all been waiting and waiting and...

  4. Thanks for the hint about new safelists, Maria. I will look out for them. I have been a pro member of Herculist for a while but have been disappointed by the response. I am thinking of running some give-aways as an incentive for people to subscribe to my website newsletter and was wondering if this sort of thing may go down better than advertising affiliate programs on safelists?


    You're welcome, Sue!

  5. Shon, Propay might be another option. They are another Ebay approved merchant card service (yes, I know that Ebay and Paypal are the same people) but they are not Paypal and you can probably set them up just as easily with an IPN system.. you'd have to look into it.


    What I know about them is that they process credit cards like Authorize.net.. meaning, the customer does not have to be a Propay member for their card to be processed...they fill in a short form, just like with Authorize.net but you also have the added benefit of not having to process/encrypt your customer's information on your site.


    I used to use Authorize.net on my plant nursery site, years ago.. but it was cumbersome and expensive... both their fees and having to set up and pay for an SSL certificate for my site... I think there are easier, less expensive options for merchants these days that take some of the weight of having to keep your customer's information secure off of your shoulders.

  6. Yeah, I was just thinking to myself that I commend Jerry for being so "big" but I doubt they would do the same for him if the shoe were on the other foot.

    Actually, if someone complained to them that Jerry was not paying out members or his sites weren't working, they would probably just remove him from their downline builders & do some grandstanding, while they were at it.

    Very big of you, Jerry, to stick your neck out for them though - I respect that. :) But, as I said, I doubt they would do the same for you (especially if you "pulled a Nerdbux") and if you believe they would, you're fooling yourself.


    Question... Why didn't they ever make any big announcements about selling Nerdbux and all of their members lifetime upgrades to a scammer? I mean, they make big announcements about everything else, don't they? I'm very confused. And they also have no trouble at all pointing out the faults of others....odd how they never speak of Nerdbux publicly now... hmm.


    Prediction: The next installment of this adventure will include them saying that this was all a planned marketing technique to drum up controversy and get people talking with a "See, it worked. Now everyone's talking about us." I'm sure the spin doctors are working on it now. Grabbing my popcorn, or should I grab a violin & some cash?

  7. Phyllis,


      I don't know how it is for the TEs but for many of the safelists using the LFMVM script these days, you will encounter incorrect click errors even when you are clicking on the correct links. I don't know why this is.. but I figured out a solution the problem a couple of months ago that has worked for others when they have tried it.


    We don't know why this started happening, it might have been one of the many LFMVM script updates... it could be for another reason... but a couple of months ago many of the sites started running as if they were "partitioned" sites or dual sites. Meaning you would get one version of the site if you had the prefix WWW in the browser bar before the site url and you might get another if you DIDN'T have the WWW prefix. I would make an update, say with an image on my site and I would either see that update or not depending on whether or not the WWW prefix was in my browser bar.


    Chances are that if you are getting the incorrect click errors because of this same issue, you are viewing ads on that particular site WITH the www prefix. Try to back out of the site and reload the page without the WWW and then log in. It should open all other pages on the site for you WITHOUT the WWW. prefix. Pay attention to make sure that is the case. Then try clicking on the ads to see if you are being credited for your clicks. This may or may not help you but I hope it does because I know it has helped others. I fixed my own site links so that members could ONLY open the page that opens credit messages WITHOUT the WWW prefix, so that they would not encounter this same issue at my site. I'm hoping that a near-future update of the LFMVM script will include this type of fix... Hope that helps!


    If that doesn't help... check to see if you've added any unnessecary toolbars or add-ons to your browser and make sure you keep your browser free of too many extras that you don't need. They are one of the biggest culprits that cause issues for users of TEs and Safelists. Many of the online programs that you can download for free these days try to sneak in browser add-ons so always be careful to UNCHECK that you approve of this when downloading free software...

  8. Honestly, I think that Blake DOES have the makings to be a "contender" maybe a few years down the line... if this doesn't completely ruin his reputation. Aside from his own site, he's very active... I see his feed updates on Facbook and I do see that he seems to be helping some other people in other programs... he's got his autoresponder set up and uses it... and he's great at creating some hype. I think that right now he's just maybe a little young... and he is sort of treating Elite as if it someone else's mailer (not really his responsibility) and a mailer that he just needs to hype. I think his server issues took some wind out of his sails. I definitely see a difference between the Elite "abandonment" and other mailer abandonments. With others, I just know that I'll never see those owners again, but I get the feeling Blake is going to be around for a while... it remains to be seen if he takes the lessons he learns today to better serve others later... He's got to learn to respond to tickets and hold all commissions for his members. He has a lot of energy. He knows how to set up a good foundation for a great business. His next goal should be learning how to juggle it all and set his priorities.


    And what John said... the low-entry points definitely doesn't help. I think that's why everyone is always pushing the "customize" issue... it's true... when you see someone spending time and extra money to customize they are less likely to walk away... 

  9. Agreed. 30-60 days is reasonable. I think if you make your members wait 60 days though, for the members who don't already have strong downlines yet & who aren't already bringing in money daily, that can be a tough period of time to have to wait for the work you are doing today to pay off, so I think owners who make their members wait that long risk having certain members opt to promote others over them.


    Right now, I pay out commissions daily (it says weekly on my sites) If I thought a member were not being honest with their signups in some way, I would probably hold their payments a little longer & if it became a big problem I might consider waiting 2 weeks or 30 days, site wide.... but so far I have not lost any money for paying out commissions quickly and I just feel better doing it that way. If a member brings in referrals and earns commissions one day... I know they have fresh ad copy that they are using and my site is fresh in their mind on that day... I want to pay them as soon as I can, while that ad copy and their enthusiasm is still fresh... I want to give them a reason to get up the next day and choose my site again...the momentum is already there to keep the ball rolling...making members wait too long for the money they earned can lead to promotional inertia.

  10. That site always seemed like it was full of hype. I could never understand why certain people were willing to put their names out there in support of it. I have upgraded almost everywhere and that is literally one of the few sites that I just had a feeling about and wouldn't upgrade at... I brought one person in under me who upgraded and then I tested the site to see if he paid his commissions and he never responded to my ticket or paid me so I decided not to upgrade or promote the site.


    I think that many safelist owners give up because there is a lot of competition out there...the market is definitely over-saturated and they just don't want to put in the extra effort to make their sites distinctive, either by hiring someone (coders, designers...etc.) to help them set their sites apart or learning how to do those tasks themselves.

  11. When I started last year, i was working online about 20 hrs a day, 7 days a week. I barely slept each night for the first 4 months. But as the learning curve leveled out (I was able to perform tasks quicker), I built up my downlines and got my foundation set up for most of my own sites, the hours steadily came down.


    Now I hardly ever work more than 10 hours a day ...but I might put in a 16 hour day here or there. I only work a couple of hours on the Saturdays and Sundays, if I feel like it. Last week I took a bit of a vacation (the first I've allowed myself since I started) I didn't put out any promotions (I still approved member advertising and responded to tickets), but I was still able to cover costs, paid out a few hundred in commissions and made extra money, so the hard work is beginning to pay off. :) Took me about 16-17 months to get here and it just keeps getting better.

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