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I have some questions about list building

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I realize this may soind kind of silly. I need to get into list building, but the whole thing seems to be complicated from the start. From building landing pages to creating something that people would want, to a good followup email, to making those sales.


I have approached this subject several times, but no luck. Is there anybody out there who can take me through this and help me get started?


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Do you actually want to build a website from scratch or tag onto someone who is already successful? You can make money on the internet, but it's not easy and you have to be very careful. Be sure to do your due diligence. If you do not understand this term, it is important enough for you do look it up in a dictionary!

As most people know by now, there are huge numbers of scams out there, trying to separate you from your money. I hope you are not fooled by the obvious ones that promise you millions in a very short period of time. If you are so naive to fall for that B.S., you have no business using the internet for fast profit. You will end up with fast losses!

Be realistic. Most people do not have the know-how, time, or money to start a new program. If you are sophisticated enough, or know people who you can partner with, you have a chance to succeed on your own.

But, for most of us, we are looking for ways to promote either our own little web sites or the web sites of affiliate programs that we like. So, for these people; you need to know how and where to advertise and how to build a list, if you are so inclined.

Most people are involved in some of the following activities to build their affiliate programs.

1. Safe Lists & Opt-In Lists.
2. Surfing sites & Classifieds.
3. Viral & rotator ads.
4. TEs (Traffic Exchanges)
5. Leads - you have to purchase these.
6. Blogs - very time consuming, but they work to some degree.
7. Bulk Email - where you pay someone and your ad goes on their server. And then there is bulk email stealth software that goes on your computer, but I think it is illegal in quite a few states and spam is never a good idea.
8. HYIPs - for those who want fast returns without doing anything - you know - so called passive income. HYIP stands for high-yield investment programs and the people who get involved with these are high-risk gamblers. Most of these fall apart in time and the majority of the investors lose everything. A few people get out with their profit before the thing collapses. How did they know when to get out? hmmm.

I have been networking for over 20 years and have seen my share of scams. I have lost money. I have made money. Over $250,000 in one MLM. I am telling you that the people who make the most money are the ones who take the time and put in the effort and the money to run their own programs. I applaud them. It is hard work and requires dedication and patience.

I run a small private list Called the "ACTIVE PLAYERS" List. No one sees this list but me. I test many affiliate programs. I look for programs that are new, exciting, exclusive, lucrative and have little or no competition. I join the ones I believe will be successful.

When I find one that fits most of my criteria, I send out a blurb to the people on the "LIST". I usually send an email approximately once per month or every other month.

If you want to be on this list of go-getters, just email me. You will not be contacted by other members of the list and I will never sell or expose your email to anyone.

Prosperous regards,

Martin Levine activeplayeradmin@gmail.com

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
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  • 2 weeks later...

List building is not that complicated . There are are lots of videos and tutorials on youtube. 


You have to plan to spend time to learn how to do it. It is a learning curve and takes time, effort and some investment. You have to be willing to invest some money. I recommend you do a budget on time and money,  follow that plan. Find the time when there are not any distractions and learn how to do it.


I also recommend that you find someone who will teach, coach and help you how to create a Lead Capture Page and how to use an auto responder.. You can the advertise a page or blog with a subscribe form so people can subscribe to your list. Offer something of value.

It does not happen overnight. There are a lot of marketers who mislead you and tell you can make a fortune overnight which in most cases is not truth. Beware of those shiny objects  


Allow yourself time to learn how.


I have a Facebook page that I share with information that may help you 

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There are lots of ways to build your list. I agree with the idea of Youtube. There are several methods to use and it depends on your budget. How much do you want to spend each month or how much work do you want to do if you want to start our free and work up.


You need to have a lead capture page that offers something to subscribers in exchange for their name and email. You need to have an autoresponder. It necessary. 


Then you need to work consistently every day.


It's not something that happens overnight.


The biggest challenge I think people have is not the technology of list building but the sticking to a consistent daily plan of action.


Nick Grimshawe

Nicholas Grimshawe . Com  

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  • 3 weeks later...
The first thing you want to consider is investing in an efficient autoresponder. Many may try to convince you that you can build your list without one, but it's the leverage you're after.


Now that your autoresponder is situated you need the capture form embedded on a page (capture page). You can create this from scratch or you can use a marketing system that provides you with pre-built capture pages. 


In terms of follow up emails you have to be careful not to overthink them. They should be short informative emails with personality; like you're communicating with your friend. Early on in the follow up sequence your communication should be every 1-2 days. As weeks progress space your letters out more. 


I would focus on obtaining a marketing system that will have lead capture pages for you. As you become more experienced you can easily create your own capture pages using Weebly and an autoresponder form.

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