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Marketing Checkpoint


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nabboo last won the day on January 20 2017

nabboo had the most liked content!

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    internet marketing, earning online

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  1. Yeah, got a mail too. I guess the site is back again. But I'd still be careful spending any money there..
  2. That is also becoming a problem nowadays, most of the people who are reviewing are just out to sell something. Not everyone is being honest about their reviews. I don't have a problem with people's right to sell, I just think that if they are reviewing something, they should be honest about it.
  3. If anyone has come across any site which is a scam, having the name here would be very helpful for everyone.
  4. Speaking of TrafficMoonsoon, does anyone know if Traffic Hurricane is from the same owner? It has the same look..
  5. nabboo


    For India, is there any other processor that is better than Payza? which can be linked to bank account also.. how about STP? Haven't used it yet, but thinking about it.
  6. I had been looking into joining Zukul.. so thanks for the warning! The concept seemed to be nice.. self advertising platform. Are there any other honest programs with the same concept?
  7. "When you think big, your results are big." -Thomas J. Vilord
  8. The problem most people have is that they thing online marketing is some kind of a magic pill.. They think they'll go in and money will start raining on them! The truth is that earning money online is just as hard is doing a job, especially when you are just starting. It can be more rewarding if you learn how to do it right and stick with it..
  9. JB has written in one of the threads in the forum about the situation... http://zubeezone.com/members.php?mf=forum&d=p&p=84035
  10. "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." -Les Brown
  11. I've been a member for a while, and surf it on and off.. but recently I've been getting the message that there are no more sites available message very frequently. Don't know what's up with that..
  12. Really!?? If anyone does support him, then they will only have themselves to blame when they lose their money!!
  13. "You can experience rejection for free or you can do it for money. Nobody likes rejection but it is a fact of life in just about every thing you do. In business, deal with it or stay poor." -Jack M. Zufelt
  14. "Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit." -Napoleon Hill
  15. There are some times when I have had a warning for the unsecure websites in google chrome, with no option to proceed.. I don't know if it is my computer acting up, or if it is from google that the page is not displayed. It's strange though that for the same website, sometimes it shows the warning, and sometimes it just goes directly to the page
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