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Marketing Checkpoint

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DownlineMaxx is a great new concept of a downline builder.

I'm sure you will love it!


You fill up the downline builder with the IDs to the programs

you are already a member of and you join the other programs if you want to.

So far, it's like most other downline builders.


The big difference is that it will allow you to rent or sell
the slots of the programs that you DON'T want to promote!


For example, if you don't want to join or promote Program X,
you rent or sell your slot for this program in your downline builder.


Then, you can rent or buy slots for programs you REALLY want to promote
in other people's downline builders (with the points you received from selling
or renting your own slots).


Powerful, isn't it?


You Can Join DownlineMaxx Here:



I'm sure you will love it!


Lucie Bellemare


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