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Official Launch Go's Live On: Monday 12th September 2016 @ 1:00PM GMT+1 London

The Giftobit self compounding Matrix is a very unique system, not like anything else you may have seen in the past.
The Matrix works its way through each level, placing the next new member into the next available position, working its way around each level know as rings, till completed and then starts the next ring Level.

The Matrix is 3 Levels Deep.
Level 1 has 5 Members
Level 2 has 25 Members
Level 3 has 125 Members

How It Works:

On the 1st Level of Plan A their will be 5 active GIFTOBIT members placed under your position.
You are now known as their assigned upline.
On Level 1 you will receive 5 contributions of 0.05 BITCOIN.
The 1st 2 contributions of 0.05 you receive will go towards your upgrade to Level 2 being a total of 0.01 BITCOIN.
That will leave you with 3 more contributions to receive.
On Level 2 you will receive 25 contributions of 0.1 BITCOIN, a total of 2.5 BITCOIN.
The 1st 2 contributions of 0.1 you receive will go towards your upgrade to Level 3 being a total of 0.2 BITCOIN.
The next 3 payment of 0.1 you receive, the system will automatically create for you, 6 new positions in the Matrix, compounding your total of positions to now having 7 positions. You will have 20 more contributions to receive.

On Level 3 you will receive 125 contributions of 0.2 BITCOIN, a total of 25 BITCOIN.
The 1st 5 contributions of 0.1 you receive will go towards your 1st position in the Plan B Matrix, being a total of 0.5 BITCOIN and a
contribution to the GIFTOBIT administration of 0.5 BITCOIN is payable at this point. You now have 120 more contributions of 0.2 to receive.
Your 6 new Plan A positions in the Plan A Matrix is now working away repeating the same steps and compounding more positions for you.
All creating the same amounts of BITCOIN as your 1st position, creating more and more new positions and more and more Bitcoin.

You have now graduated into the PLAN B Matrix.
The fundamentals of the Plan B Matrix are the same as Plan A, but your income is much higher.

The Plan B Matrix also has 3 Levels Deep.
Level 1 has 5 Members
Level 2 has 25 Members
Level 3 has 125 Members

On the 1st Level of Plan B, 5 other GIFTOBIT members will be placed under your position.
On Level 1 you will receive 5 contributions of 0.5 BITCOIN.
The 1st 3 contributions of 0.5 you receive will go towards your upgrade to Level 2 being a total of 1.5 BITCOIN.
1 BITCOIN will go toward your upgrade and will be contributed to your assigned upline.
The other 0.5 BITCOIN is contributed toward administration costs.
That will leave you with 2 more contributions to receive.
The Giftobit self compounding Matrix is a very unique system, not like anything else you may have seen in the past.
The Matrix works its way through each level, placing the next new member into the next available position, working its way around each level know as rings, till completed and then starts the next ring Level.

On Level 2 you will receive 25 contributions of 1 BITCOIN.
The 1st 3 contributions you receive will go towards your upgrade to Level 3.
2 BITCOIN is contributed to your assigned upline and 1 BITCOIN is contributed toward administration costs.
Your next 2 contributions you receive of 1 BITCOIN, the system will automatically create for you, 2 more positions, compounding your total of positions to now having 3 positions in the Plan B Matrix.
You will have 20 more contributions to receive on Level 2.
On Level 3 you will receive 125 contributions of 2 BITCOIN.
The 1st 5 contributions you receive of 2 BITCOIN, the system will automatically create for you, 10 more positions, compounding your total of positions to now having 13 positions in the Plan B Matrix. You now have 120 more contributions of 2 BITCOIN to receive.
It is again important to note at this point that you now have multiple self compounding positions in both Plan A and Plan B Matrix’s. All these positions together create the potential for you now to be receiving 100’s of 1000’s of dollars worth of BITCOIN.

Click Here To Join Now!


Admin Update!

To all the Founders and KDK migration team, can Daniel and I please request that you hold back from sending us anymore messages on Facebook and Skype in regards to text on the site or other stuff about website content. We are aware of most of it and it was planned to all be fixed before Pre Launch but as we lost quite a lot of working time due to people registering before they were supposed too, we did not get it finished.
Please only send us a message if you are having a problem with your account.
You will all receive instructions on how to pay for your education soon, just be patient, you won't miss out..
We will have the external support section completed this afternoon so you will be able to submit support tickets if you have a problem.
For the rest of today we will not be reading through any messages on Skype or FB or replying, as we really need to catch up on all the work still have to complete..
Having to stop and read through messages and replying is also taking up our time. Please don't think we are ignoring you, it's just that we have to get quite a lot done over the next 6 days,,,


You can now add your Bitcoin Address in the members back office, to do this simply click on the "menu" link at the top right-hand side of the page. Then click on "Bitcoin Wallet id" and add your Bitcoin Address.


Over 4000 Members have already joined since the program was publicly announced 4 days ago, and we still have 3 days to go until the official launch. If you have not joined yet i suggest you take time to check out this very interesting opportunity




1) When we go live on 09/12/2016 @ (1:00PM GMT+1 London)...You will login in...A POP UP will be on the main screen (Like what's there now)... You will see a Purchase Button ..Click Buy...The system will then generate a Bitcoin wallet address for you to send your 0.06 Bitcoin payment ...Copy & paste that address to in your external bitcoin wallet to send the payment.

We all know that Bitcoin payments take a bit of time to receive enough confirmations to complete the transaction. The positions will be time stamped & entered into the matrix upon full confirmation of the BTC payment (will not take anymore than 6 confirmations).

2) PAY IT FORWARD feature will be activated upon official launch...If you want to use Bitcoin from your external BTC wallet to purchase the Education package for a referral...You need to click on the Pay It Forward tab in your back office next to the members name that you want to pay for...A POP UP box will show with a Bitcoin ID number...Copy that...Then go to your BTC external wallet & select send BTC...Paste the ID code you copied into the send ID field...Then put in the amount of 0.06 BTC & hit send. The system will automatically activate that persons account & once all confirmations are received they will receive their position in the Matrix.

3) When will the bonus positions earned from referrals be going into the matrix?
When we go live and their referrals pay the system will automatically add bonus positions as each 5th referral pays.. so the quicker their referrals pay the quicker their bonus positions will be activated.


Attention Everyone !
We have decided after over an hour of battling with our current hosting provider to switch to a new provider.. We have just purchased a new cloud service and our programmers have started migration... This however will take a few hours, so we have decided to set the launch time to 24 hrs after the original launch time, this will give our programmers more than enough time to migrate and test the server.. and also give people time to adjust to the new launch time..
We sincerely apologize for any conveniences cause by tonight`s postponed launch and hope that everyone understands that the issue was out of our hands and that we have no choice but to move forward..

New Launch Time : 1:00 PM LONDON GMT+1 13th September 2016


Attention Everyone !

The launch has been put back a day due to DNS propagation issues.


The programmers have worked 36 hours straight and have now confirmed with us that everything they can do is physically done and completed.
At this time they have confirmed that we are 95% sure that we are set to go back into Pre Launch Phase today at : 1PM GMT+1 Wednesday 14th September.
This means the website will be opened back up and people can now LOGIN to their accounts and can also start Register new members.

The only thing we are now waiting on is confirmation that our DNS (Domain name server) settings are reflecting globally and that everyone around the world can get access to the website.
This confirmation may take up to 6 hours to complete.
Once we get confirmation that our DNS has reset globally 100%, we will then give a 100% confirmation of LIVE launch for:
1PM GMT+1 London 15th September LIVE LAUNCH!!!!

So it's now all out of our hands and we just have to wait for the DNS global propagation confirmation.
Stay posted for 100% confirmation of LIVE launch:
1PM GMT+1 London 15th September LIVE LAUNCH!!!!

Admin Update!

To all members of our GiftoBit Community.

WOW what a hectic 48 hours we have had.

We have been working tirelessly over the past 48 hours, braking all speed records to get the Website data base repaired and migrate to a new cloud hosting provider. We are now ready for LIVE launch today..

We are on track for LIVE launch at:
GiftoBit Live Launch - Thursday 15th - 1:00 PM (GMT+1) London

We are presently 4 hours away from LAUNCH and I have only just now had time to sit for a moment and write this email to you all.
I am hoping it gets to everyone before the LIVE LAUNCH, but if it doesn’t please don’t be disappointed.

There is no hurry and you won’t miss out on anything.
GiftoBit is here to stay for a long time.

Please don't panic if you don't get your education paid as soon as we go LIVE, there is no rush.

Our unique SELF COMPOUNDING MATRIX is designed to benefit everyone.
The whole system supports itself. It does not matter if 100, or 1000 or even 10,000 people get in before you, as all the members who have positions before you will now be supporting you by having positions placed under you.

Our Matrix has been designed to be sustainable and we will still be growing in 10 years time.

The intellectual property of our SELF COMPOUNDING MATRIX is owned by GiftoBit Foundation, and will never be duplicated by any other organization. 

Over the next few weeks you will start to see your account coming to life and all your new positions being generated automatically.
Everything runs like a turbo machine, you won't have to do anything except, do your education, share the GiftoBit opportunity, and support our Philanthropic projects. Oh and of course practice your education by withdrawing your BTC (Bitcoin) and using it.

You will see in your Members Dashboard a tab called REFERRALS, if you go to that tab and then select NON ACTIVE, you will see a list of members who have joined using your referral link.
You can activate their accounts for them by using the PAY IT FORWARD function. You can pay for their position via 2 methods.
1/ Using some of your own BTC balance in your GiftoBit online wallet.
2/ You can use some of your BTC that you have in your external BTC wallet via the payment API
You can collect the cash off them in exchange for your BTC. This will help you to bring your referrals into the system easily. Now they are in the system, and paid, they can start their education and learn how to use the BTC that they have earned.
This is the way we would like to see GiftoBit being shared.
Let’s face it, most people are lazy and won’t do the education unless they have a good reason to do. So having them having to learn so they can withdraw their BTC is a good start...

Congratulations to everyone and welcome to our global community of Philanthropists

Thank you all for your support so far.

Sending much gratitude and love to you all.

GiftoBit Foundation
Founders Carlene Spiteri and Daniel Spiteri

Kind Regards,



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