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Marketing Checkpoint

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Guest mrclean0325

In my opinion social media is more of a device to enhance engagement and increase the "Know, Like, and Trust" factor. It is a HUGE time sink no matter how you cut it.


Unless you are using it as an ad source by buying ads on it to make sales.


Using social media is like using Google, if they make a change it can VERY adversely effect your income. I know several people who use Facebook and have built very large groups. Whether this equates to more money on the bottom line is questionable. Very large companies have spent a sizable money to study whether it had a difference in their sales and the results weren't positive from what I last saw. This is why most larger companies use social media for a customer support outreach more than anything else.


One mistake people make is they don't follow the lead of others who have spent the money and time to work whatever system. People have sold goods and services for years without social media. The trick is to find someone in your niche who is using it and monetizing it then do what they are doing, model them. It is usually a case of hiring a VA or outsource your social media to free you up for other activities. Hence the emergence of the "Social Media Managers" who have popped up in recent years.


How you do it will be determined by your product and service offering. I know one successful technique is to use a pinned post in Facebook to sell your stuff. i have been studying the tactics to see if it would be worthwhile to do something with it myself. You have to have a good plan before sinking a lot of time into to it and just try to "shotgun" an approach. The techniques all vary wildly depending on if you are an affiliate or product owner.


Another mistake I see people doing in a LOT of different stuff besides social media is to try to master them all at once and fail miserably. My best advice is to pick one to start and master it until you see a profit, figure out how to automate it, then move to another one and do the same.


Social media is definitely a good tool to gain attention. But how much effective it can be depends on the way you project your services/goods. A poor presentation can work as a deterrent ,while  apositive ,carefully projected image of your goods/services can work wonders.


I think that when you find a sweet spot your conversions can be insanely high vs. other kinds of traffic.


Finding that sweet spot without wasting tons of time and not running into problems with the terms of any specific platform is where the challenge exists.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

I've always had really good results monetizing a facebook site for a program that I was promoting.  I like to start FB groups and invite various people I know of in the industry to participate. The word then spreads fast and I always figure out ways to make a few extra bucks with the buzz.


They Help me very much.
I get to meet like- minded people
we make friends first, learn about each others businesses
and only then begin Networking.

It's the best way to brand yourself. Let people
know who you are.

All the best success to your advertising and


SFI around the clock




  • 3 weeks later...

Advertising on social media seems to be a waste of time.  It seems the people in my social circle only want to talk about themselves.   Maybe that's why it's called "social"  B) 

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
with apprehension; the other is with anticipation  .


The trick to getting signup s and sales with social media is NOT to promote your product but to present a product or service that will help other people market their product.  Everyone in the FACEBOOK groups already is advertising their special thing.  Your job is to offer help and assisstance to them to get what the want.  Everyone is looking for the "What is in it for me>  If you have a marketing system, a software product or even an article or ebook that helps them then you have a winner.  Otherwise you are blowing your time and energy. and money.


The trick to getting signup s and sales with social media is NOT to promote your product but to present a product or service that will help other people market their product.  Everyone in the FACEBOOK groups already is advertising their special thing.  Your job is to offer help and assisstance to them to get what the want.  Everyone is looking for the "What is in it for me>  If you have a marketing system, a software product or even an article or ebook that helps them then you have a winner.  Otherwise you are blowing your time and energy. and money.


I agree 100%!


The key is to present a product or service that help others get what they need and want. :)

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, Social Media do help. I once had a Membership site and i mainly advertised it on Facebook. I was able to get in Two Thousand Plus Members. It works better if you use Flyers. 

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Helping people get what they need is always the goal.  The question is - which social media platform does that the best?  Everyone on here is touting a business.  My best results have been to go directly to a business platform like LinkedIn.

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
with apprehension; the other is with anticipation  .


I would like to add that it depends also on the social media you are involved in. From my research, I have learned that each social media network seems to have its own culture and protocol. In order to be effective in each one, you would have to learn their specific culture.

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