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Marketing Checkpoint

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I get the following call:


“Hi, I just need to have a list of the top 100 MLM companies. And, if you have it, a list of new MLM companies, too. I’m going to find the best one and make a million dollars.”


What should I do?


Should I humor him? Lie to him? Tell him the truth?


I told him the truth.


There is no list of the top 100 MLM companies. Who would be in charge of the criteria? Who would set the ideal ethics scale? Who would be the final judge of the product quality?


I told the caller, “Most companies are good. If they were bad, had terrible products, and ripped off people, they would eventually go out of business.”


And about a list of new companies? Gee, we could sign up in at least ten new companies every day on the Internet. So “new” means these companies are “old” 24 hours later. I’m not sure what “new” has to do with quality anyway.


I guess if we joined something because it was new today, what would we tell our prospects tomorrow? It is not “new” anymore.


I think there should be something else besides “new” in our decision.


The really bad news about all of this is that this caller thinks that finding the “right company” will be the key to solving his problems.


It won’t help him at all.


He doesn’t have the skills necessary to be successful in any company.


Finding a company to join isn’t what it takes to build a successful network marketing business. It will take skills.


And unless this caller is willing to learn the skills to build a networking business, he will be sentenced to a lifetime of company research, joining companies unsuccessfully, and surfing the Internet for one more new thing to join.




I hope he stops looking for the top 100 Network Marketing companies. I hope he stops looking for new network marketing companies to join.


But the reality is:


He will find sitting at home surfing the Internet, comparing company compensation plans, etc., much more safe and comfortable than actually learning the skills and building a real business.


Rudi Vanhaecke
Bronze Team Leader SFI
Inrernet Marketing Professional



Waterstraat 59
8730 Beernem

Mobile: +32496292333
Phone: +3250791910
Skype: rudi.vanhaecke



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