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Marketing Checkpoint

Affiliate Success Checklist

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1. Make sure the product being offered matches you. If your passion is embroidery, you probably won't do too well with car parts sites. Stick with what you know at first and, once you learn how to promote on the Internet, move on to different products.




2. Check it out. Don't just jump in because it's easy. Ask yourself this question; is the product or service you are affiliating with something you would bring to your best friend? If not, you may want to keep looking.




3. Talk to current affiliates. Ask for a list of happy affiliates. Ask them some key questions such as did they get the help and support promised? Are they being paid on time? You get the idea.




4. Look long term. If your first arrangement doesn't pan out, don't give up. Many people on the net are making excellent incomes with affiliate programs. You can too.




5. Go for quality. Make a checklist of everything you want, find two who meet the criteria, and go all out with those two. Remember that it will be your reputation on the line.




6. How well do they sell? You need to ask how well the product or service you will be promoting 'converts'. Conversion is simply the number of people per 100 who buy something.




Look for sites that convert more than 2% of visitors every day, not just when a promotion is taking place. If you can find a site that converts over 5% every day then strongly consider promoting them.




You can expect this number to range from .5% to about 10%. Anything higher or lower and you need to be careful about them telling you the truth.




Also, be aware that 'hot' products convert well while they are hot but conversion drops with time. So be sure to get *current* conversion figures.

Rudi Vanhaecke
Bronze Team Leader SFI
Inrernet Marketing Professional



Waterstraat 59
8730 Beernem

Mobile: +32496292333
Phone: +3250791910
Skype: rudi.vanhaecke



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Rudi for your tips. Your tip of " is the product or service you are affiliating with something you would bring to your best friend? If not, you may want to keep looking." and


"Ask for a list of happy affiliates. Ask them some key questions such as did they get the help and support promised? Are they being paid on time?" and


"Look for sites that convert more than 2% of visitors every day, not just when a promotion is taking place. If you can find a site that converts over 5% every day then strongly consider promoting them."


has been a great learning for me. Thank you.

Warm regards,

Milind Koppikar

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