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Marketing Checkpoint

Does your distributor sabotage his efforts and think like this?

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My frustrated distributor insists he wants to become a leader and make at least $10,000 a month.


And, he insists that he should already be earning $10,000 a month after just six months with the company. After all, the company can’t be any good if you can’t earn at least $10,000 a month after six months of part-time work.


So I asked my distributor, “How much do you earn in your present job that you’ve been working for the past 12 years?”


He replied, “About $2,000 a month.”


Did he get the hint? No.


So then I asked my distributor how much sales volume he moved in his organization every month. He replied, “My group moves $5,000 in products every month!”


My distributor still thinks he should earn $10,000 a month, even though he provides less than $10,000 a month in value to the company.


I can predict my distributor’s future. He will insist that it is all the company’s fault and he will just have to look for another opportunity that will pay him $10,000 a month after six months’ work. It doesn’t matter if he provides very little value and service, he just deserves $10,000 a month. :)


Rudi Vanhaecke
Bronze Team Leader SFI
Inrernet Marketing Professional



Waterstraat 59
8730 Beernem

Mobile: +32496292333
Phone: +3250791910
Skype: rudi.vanhaecke



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