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What does CPM stand for?

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The term "CPM" Is widely used in business. Thus, it has many meanings. In one context CPM stands for critical path managment. In other settings it means other things.




In the context of buying ezine advertising CPM stands for "cost per thousand".




CPM is the cost the publisher charges per thousand subscribers for ads in his or her ezine.




So if publisher Susan offers solo ads that cost $6 CPM and she has 40,000 subscribers then the cost for the solo ad would be $240.




CPM costs can vary depending on the type of ad offered. Generally speaking, ezines offer the following types of ads:


Solo ads

Sponsor ads

Classified ads

Banner ads


As you can imagine, each of these ad types have different costs. You would not expect to pay the same price for a solo ad as you would for a banner ad.




So when you see publishers that base their price on CPM you can know that the publisher is basing the price on the cost per thousand subscribers on their list.




If you need further help with costs or understanding ad types you can find more about them in the Ezine Advertising section of the Learning Center.




Hope this helps.


Free ezine Online Business Success Resources

Rudi Vanhaecke
Bronze Team Leader SFI
Inrernet Marketing Professional



Waterstraat 59
8730 Beernem

Mobile: +32496292333
Phone: +3250791910
Skype: rudi.vanhaecke



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