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IM Faceplate - imfaceplate.com


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Build your faceplate in minutes with our easy editor 

Easily add a photo, twitter feed, YouTube videos

Network with others by following, messaging and commenting  Publish articles and spotlights

Earn double facepoints for all activity
increase exposure and branding  

Have 100% control over the ads on your faceplate
increased earning potential  

Choice to remove ads from your faceplate
increase professional image  

Schedule your shouts to publish automatically
better flexibility and time managment  

Have your shout appear on the public activity page
huge exposure increase  

Have a "Pro Box" added to all of your discussion posts
show your latest shout, article and spotlight!  

See who's viewed your faceplate
quickly build strong relationships   $14.95/month
Intro price
Only 45 hrs left!



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Going GOLD


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