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Marketing Checkpoint

What's your best social media marketing tip?

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The best would be The Upfront Value.


No matter, what platform you are using, the upfront value will sure attract and hook your audience, no matter if they’re cold, warm, or hot.


But before providing this value, make sure to :


Conduct your prior research. You can’t target well when you don’t have clarity of what your audience expects from you. Listen and find out their biggest pain points and as well as their complete persona and buying behaviour. You can even provide upfront value to make sure your customers participate in providing you this data. This information is also useful for you to further develop content and product. Go for data!

If you can’t provide a whole-hearted upfront value, it is best to just leave it. Since it is a common strategy nowadays to hook cold leads up, people tend to be more and more skeptical about it. I’ve seen much half-hearted value that often scams its leads. This is a huge no-no as it will affect your Brand image on social media. Always strive the best for your customers. On the other hand, if you can provide a great upfront value, people will be less skeptical about your paid commodities. “If they can provide this value for free, imagine how much value that their paid service/products will bring”.

Constantly updating your offer. An outdated lead magnet will turn potential customers off. What works today, may not work tomorrow. It will also limit your reach towards existing customers. If you constantly have new things to share, people will be paying more attention to your Brand. Eventually, you will have a stronger bond with your customers.

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