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Coinpayments.net banning US users as of 7/19/2022

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I am in the USA and have an account with Coinpayments.net

and received this email a few days ago...




Joint Statement from CoinPayments Inc. and UAB Star Ventures
In light of a constantly changing market in the United States 
of America, CoinPayments Inc. and UAB Star Ventures are at this 
time discontinuing services to and access to our platform by U.S. users.
Important Dates & Next Steps
U.S. users should withdraw their virtual assets to an external 
wallet no later than July 19, 2022.
With effect from July 19, 2022, accounts belonging to U.S. users 
will no longer be accessible.
Thank you for understanding and for being part of our community.
CoinPayments Inc. and UAB Star Ventures
David J. Rosso | Columbus OH USA | DavidJRosso.com



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