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Do you Really need a List to Succeed Online

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So is it true that you have a great business? It stands out among the pack. So why can't you get anyone to buy

anything from you? Do you really need a list to succeed online? I think the answer just might be yes.


You can spend a ton on a google ad but is anyone going to buy anthing from you? Who knows. Like Bob Dylan

used to sing, The Answer is Blowing in the Wind.


I tried a lot of list builders in the past. They are expensive and as far as my experience aren't worth the time, money

and over all work you have to put into them.


Then I stumbled across LeadsLeap. Folks if you don't have it you really should get it. First of all it's a piece of 

cake to use and second of all it's a free program.


Anyway there's my 2 cent's. So how is your list building going and what do you lose. Please tell us.



the King of Traffic

Edited by Darren Olander
Removed Affiliate Link


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Hi, I totally agree.  The money is in the list.  I have worked online for the past 10 years.  Its only just over the past 3-4 years I worked it all out.  Mind you after all the failures, money spent, hours and hours of racking my brains and nearly giving up.  Yes typical story, but true.  


I set up my own funnels in a crypto advertising group 4 years ago and it all kicked off, building the list daily and making commissions from affiliate products still building lists now on multpiple platforms and funnels.


It got to the stage where I designed my own products to promote to my lists - Life changing.


Lists are highly recommended, List leap and Quickfunnels are both amazing. And building lists from these tools are very fast and profitable.


Darren :-)

:) FREE DOWNLOAD ACCESS: Unlimited Promo Codes for Unlimited FREE Traffic: CLICK HERE   :) Unlimted FREE Traffic Vault Rocks!!

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Listbuilding is foundational to any online business.  When you your list, you always have a welcome audience, but be sure to not just sell, sell, sell to your list.  Provide value. If all you do is promote to your list, then will eventually unsubscribe or ignore your emails.  By providing value it show you as knowledgeable and they will want to see what your emails have to offer.  Of course even when you are providing the value you can include a PS with your promotion it in.


I too use LeadsLeap as my primary marketing tool because not only does it have a listbuilder but lots of tools that a marketer needs.  I am a pro member there, but free or pro it is the best.


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Click here to finally start making real money online. ( No selling or referring required)
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Absolutely, there are loads of free programs out there and if structured in a way people can learn and earn from then that provides value to each person.  This is the strategy I have developed in my training packages.  There may be the odd affiliate progam which works but I concentrate on building an audience where I promote my own designed products which most generally are free which have the potentioal for earnings and growth.

Listbuilding is foundational to any online business.  When you your list, you always have a welcome audience, but be sure to not just sell, sell, sell to your list.  Provide value. If all you do is promote to your list, then will eventually unsubscribe or ignore your emails.  By providing value it show you as knowledgeable and they will want to see what your emails have to offer.  Of course even when you are providing the value you can include a PS with your promotion it in.


I too use LeadsLeap as my primary marketing tool because not only does it have a listbuilder but lots of tools that a marketer needs.  I am a pro member there, but free or pro it is the best.

:) FREE DOWNLOAD ACCESS: Unlimited Promo Codes for Unlimited FREE Traffic: CLICK HERE   :) Unlimted FREE Traffic Vault Rocks!!

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  • 5 months later...

There are a lot of benefits to using the free version of LL.  But I'm anticipating even greater benefits after I upgrade! Already, I'm benefiting from the autoresponder, giveaway- PLR's that help get subscribers, cash just for surfing, networking, Landing pages, and knowledge! Simply wonderful platform for business-building.

Wishing you success in all things,

Cynthia @ Skydestinybiz



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I have started building my list. I am using Leads Leap as my autoresponder but I am using a list building system. People join my list then they are taken to the list building system. It gives them tips and resources on how to build a list. It is very informative in helping you build your list. It is also an advertising platform as well.

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So is it true that you have a great business? It stands out among the pack. So why can't you get anyone to buy

anything from you? Do you really need a list to succeed online? I think the answer just might be yes.


You can spend a ton on a google ad but is anyone going to buy anthing from you? Who knows. Like Bob Dylan

used to sing, The Answer is Blowing in the Wind.


I tried a lot of list builders in the past. They are expensive and as far as my experience aren't worth the time, money

and over all work you have to put into them.


Then I stumbled across LeadsLeap. Folks if you don't have it you really should get it. First of all it's a piece of 

cake to use and second of all it's a free program.


Anyway there's my 2 cent's. So how is your list building going and what do you lose. Please tell us.



the King of Traffic


From my over 20 years of experience online, you don't need your own list when the internet is loaded with other list that you can use to advertise, promote and share products and services. :)

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Yep, an amazing amount of Safelists.  Pre BIZ OP Seekers

From my over 20 years of experience online, you don't need your own list when the internet is loaded with other list that you can use to advertise, promote and share products and services. :)

:) FREE DOWNLOAD ACCESS: Unlimited Promo Codes for Unlimited FREE Traffic: CLICK HERE   :) Unlimted FREE Traffic Vault Rocks!!

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Yep, an amazing amount of Safelists. Pre BIZ OP Seekers

Viral Mailers and Safelists are giving their members incentives, advertising and cash to join their sites.


Some sites are offering up to $500 referrals contests to attract new members to join there sites.


For over 20 plus years I have never had or needed to own my own list when the internet is loaded with free list that I can use. :)

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WOW!  And we work so hard to get our own lists!  LOL

Not for me because people that say money is in the list are promoting the programs that offer the list.


In other words, the companies are the ones selling their list building services and paying affiliates commissions for selling the services like any other affiliate programs. :)

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