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What's your experience with AdTroopers?

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==== Please note that this issue has been resolved satisfactorily. :) ====

Hey everyone, I joined AdTroopers earlier this week, and one of their perks is getting 25,000 credits for signing up.  They require you to contact support to request the credits, which is what I did immediately after registering, and was told it may take up to 72 hours (3 days).  It has now been 4 days.  I did ask again toward the end of the 72-hour period, but have received no response and no credits.
Since joining I've been clicking every single credit mail, and have collected 38,000 credits.  But it's the principle of the matter; I was promised a signup bonus and haven't gotten it. It makes me wonder if I made a bad choice.  :unsure:
Are they usually non-responsive like this?

Taking another kick at the can, because I can.

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It would actually be a third email.  The first one was to request the credits.  The second one was asking again just before the 72-hour period was gone.  I don't want to be seen as a pest, but I guess I should try one more time. :)

Taking another kick at the can, because I can.

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That's odd, I know the owner, I will send you a private message with his email address.  He always responds to that...


I use the safelist and get pretty good results.  :)

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Also, check out TripleClicks (just click the image below). They now have over 4 million users, so it's a great place to list your products, and it's free!


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Update:  The owner responded last night (Sunday) and apologized for not seeing my earlier messages, and gave me the signup credits, so everything is worked out now.


Thanks for everyone's input on this. :)

Taking another kick at the can, because I can.

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