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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by robertdorsey

  1. Email marketing is one form I have not done a lot of. I have mostly been concentrating on blogging and article distribution. However, as I am building a list now for a newsletter I started a short time ago, email marketing is one thing I will incorporate into my overall marketing plan. Later Robert
  2. I post videos on YouTube for getting traffic or leads only. However, I stopped embedding my videos from YouTube to my blog, or any site that I want security from them getting flagged by jealous competitors who have been known to flag every marketer in there niche just to eliminate the competition. And what is even more disturbing, YouTube allows this to happen. If I put a video on YouTube any more, I don't care any more if it gets flagged or my account gets shut down, because I use another service to upload all my videos to and embed them from there. Later Robert
  3. It is imperative that research into each MLM you are looking at is done with due diligence into track record and longevity. Too many MLM's come and go. That is why your buisness must be based on YOU instead of your mlm company. Build you as your brand marketing an MLM as just another wholesale supplier, or if your MLM goes away, so does your business. Later Robert
  4. Often times, posting business related posts on your personal profile is not a good thing if your family and friends are not interested in what your business is all about. Having a fan page, or business page, seperates business from friendship, and targets those who are interested in what you are working on. Later Robert
  5. Video marketing using YouTube is still a great place to get eyeballs on your vids and get traffic and leads, however, YouTube sucks when it comes to accepting vids from our industry. There is always the possibility of getting your vids flagged and your account shut down. I never embed a YouTube video any more. I use a more secure service for vids I put on my blog or anyplace where I need more security. If I don't care if the video gets flagged or goes away, on sites such as Facebook, where they dissapear in time anyway, then I will use YouTube or just upload directly to Facebook. Hope that helps... Later Robert
  6. I used Getresponse when I first came online. It was the first auto-responder I came across. I still use it for my older campaigns. I also use Aweber as well as I found that it intigrates with more systems and services. It seems to be the more popular than most other auto-responders. Whatever the auto-responder, the most unique feature is the "unsubscribe" button. If they don't like to be on my list, they can use it. I only want people who want to work with me and I never want to hole any one else back from their own progress. Later Robert
  7. According to Jim Rohn, it is easy to be successful in Network marketing. When you reverse engineer your results, figure it out. How many peoople do you have to talk to to get 100 people in your team? If you are getting 10 people interested with every 100 you talk to, how many does it take for you to talk to. Want more customers, talk to more people. Want more prospects, talk to more people. Want more sales, talk to more people. Want more members in your downline, talk to more people. See... Easy Peasy... Later Robert
  8. Any kind of a business, home business in particular, requires that your customers, followers, prospects, whoever, has a place to find you and to keep in touch with what you are doing and what your business is doing. A blog is the easiest place to share your expertixe with your people, facebook included. When you own your own blog, you can post content that other social media sites may shut you down for. You own your content... Later Robert
  9. One thing I have noticed in the MLM industry, is that people look for the top MLM's thinking that one MLM company is better than another. But in fact, it's not this MLM or that MLM that will make the difference in your business. No matter which MLM you decide to do business with, if you haven't the skills to be successful in any one MLM, you likely won't be successful in any other neither. It's not a matter of popularity, it's a matter of marketing skills. There are people who are successful in all of the MLM's still in opperation, and there are people in the same MLM's who haven't been able to make a dime. Why is that?? It all boils down to marketing skills. (Just saying)... Later Robert
  10. I agree with Kenny. As long as the commercialism stays in the stores, the feeling of joy and happiness that Christmas brings can stay with us all year long. Just saying....
  11. Hi Len; Video marketing, like any marketing, is dependent on the, not just the traffic, but on actually getting eye-balls-on your videos. My biggest complaint is that YouTube sucks when it come to any marketers getting their videos flagged for no reason but that anybody can flag them for any agenda they want. YouTube can still get you traffic, but there are hundreds, even thousands who have had their accounts suspended for no reason. Take care Later Robert
  12. To answer the question, "Is Christmas coming early this year?", Christmas comes when Christmas comes. It just seems like it comes earlier and earlier each year. Especially as we get older. haha
  13. They tell you It's Easy to Be Successful in Network Marketing when you join. What they don't tell you is it's easy only if you have a continual source of new "eyes on" your product, service, or offer. Getting traffic is a must, but getting highly qualified targeted traffic is essential for anyone to be successful in Network Marketing, MLM or any business where you ask your prospects to join you in your business. Here are some steps that will help: Make a plan, Develop a startegy to carry out that plan, Be consistent in carrying out your strategy, and don't ever give up.... Later Robert
  14. People join MLM for different reasons. Some people see an opportunity to get a few customers and make a few hundred dollars a month. Some people see an opportunity to make a secondary income to afford themselves the things they don't have in their life. They love what they are doing as a primary career but an extra thousand or two thousand dollars a month would make a big difference I their lives. Some people hate what they are doing as a primary career and see an opportunity as a transition to replace their career with a career that gives them more freedom. Some people see an opportunity to completely and radically change their lives by going out and helping other people to do the same thing. And build networks that go around the world and that's not part-time, that's not full time, that's ALL THE TIME. No matter the reason for joining, the new distributor has one thing that the company does not have; and that is his list of friends, family and co-workers; people who know, like and trust him/her. That is still the best place to start. Then comes marketing... Later Robert
  15. My wife and I have been in the MLM industry for most of our lives. Although we have been in and out from one MLM company or another, we have never lost the excitement we got when we first saw "The Plan". -- You get 3, help them get 3, and they help them get 3... and so on -- What it means is 'residual income'... even residual income for life. My current MLM business I started in 1993, and still get residual income when any team member buys the product or signs up another dist. And the best part... I don't have to be physically present (like trading time for wages) to get paid. Later Robert
  16. People are looking for the top MLM's or the best MLM's to get into, however, in my experience, they are all good or they wouldn's still be in business. What makes the best MLM for you is one that resenates with who you are. Can you promote something you have no interest in? Absolutely! Will you be successful at it? Maybe! However, being successful in business is not about the product or witch company you are with, it is all about you and your marketing skills. If you can't make a go with the MLM you are currently in, chances are you will not do any better by jumping to another opportunity. What is needed to be successful, regardless of any MLM company or product line, is if you are educated in the skills of marketing. Period!!! Later Robert
  17. Every litle bit helps. It all adds up. That is what is called multiple sources of income...
  18. Love the IBO Toolbox. Have met a lot of great entrepreneurs there.
  19. For me it's all my spare time, but it is what I love to do so I don't mind. I have been called a 'work-a-holic' before so it's no wonder I am at it as much as I am...
  20. One always hears all the pro's and con's about any business that involves networking, including EmpowerNetwork. There are few that seem to go big and there are more that don't make a dime. I joined EN when David first introduced it back in 2011 and have stuck with it through out. I have made a little of my investment back but still promoting the blogging system as I stand begind the concept of having a simple system for a minimal investment of the $25 dollars. All the best to everyone.... Later Robert
  21. Is the question referring to "Besides Facebook"? Maybe Twitter. Some have asked, "Is Twitter dead for marketing"? The short answer, "Nope!".
  22. Hi rpsmith; If you have landing page templates, then obviously you have a system you are using. Just for your info, I like Power Lead system. you can access it here: http://residualincomeforfreedom.net/536440 However, in my experience, conversions come when people know you, like you, and trust you. What does this mean?? First of all, unless your offer is so compelling that they know that is what they want, they will purchase it. But ask yourself first, why would they buy from you instead of someone else?? I find that most people keep shopping until they find the right person that they like to buy from. I don't think any automated system works anymore like it used to. People want to know who they are buying from first, then they want to know that you are the one they want to buy from. So how do they get to know you?? Through content you publish on a consistent basis, Through videos you may be publishing, Through activities you are sharing on Social Media, And the like... My mentor says that there is only 4 things we do as marketers: And that is: Collect Capture Communicate Close Miss one step and you are up the creek without a paddle... So here's my reply to your question, the Close follows after Communicate... Hope this helps rpsmith. Later Robert
  23. This is always a hot topic in this industry. Buying traffic... Should I or Shouldn't I? Here is my take... If you have the money to lose, then definitely go ahead and buy traffic. It is a gamble if you get the targeted, ready to buy from you, traffic. But one this is for sure... buying traffic is the fastest way to get traffic. Free organic traffic takes longer, sometimes longer than you want to wait for. The answer is always up to you! What do you want to do?
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