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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by Corrisa

  1. The biggest issue with making money online is that there is no one way to start. Some people choose a niche and then find products for that niche whereas other people find products first that convert well and just drive traffic to the offer and/or build their own lander. I believe the smarter approach is find a niche that you like and that's hungry and just find products (or create your own) for that niche. Only when you understand your market will you be able to build a relationship with them via list-building.
  2. If you have the budget and the patience, then buying traffic is the way to go. You do have to remember that as a marketer you do have to test and track. This means that more times than not you will lose money when buying traffic until you get to the point where your campaigns are profitable and your funnel converts well. Ideally you want to make sure that your funnel converts well enough before you buy traffic so that you break even at least and get opt-ins.
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