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I like safelists!

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SafeList Are Amazing! I now own my first SafeList and it's doing great. Over 2500+ members in the first 45 days. It's called My Bizniz Is Your Business. It's a private members only safelist club. So members are anxious to see your opportunities and take them more serious. Priced to go! Send to thousands DAILY! Only 12.00 a year. No hidden fee's, no upgrades, and no monthly fee's ever. http://mybiznizisyourbusiness.biz

Deanna Fisher





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  • 7 months later...

I just updated my blog with my safelist stats from last month.  If you want to see which mailers are currently bringing me the best results go here: http://www.getrichwithjerry.com/the-best-safelists-for-february-2014/


4 of my sites in the top 6, I'll take it! I swear I'm not paying Jerry off or anything... :D

Founder of Marketing Checkpoint

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But you still can't Beat Gnana!!   :P


Nothing personal to you, lol, Gnana has been a long time supporter of my products so very happy to see his mailer doing well :)


But I gotta get mine back on the list, that's pretty disappointing :(


Yea, I'm certainly happy to see Gnana doing well, he has been a big supporter of my sites too! 

Founder of Marketing Checkpoint

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I am hooked on safelists and mailers. :ph34r:  Through the years (2007 til present) I have joined hundreds and currently have 241 of them plugged into Ultisend. B) The ones that don't work with Ultisend , I schedule on google calendar (after seeing Darren's training video)  ;) .I really love the creative process of crafting a new email or splash page. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Paul Nulty

I have picked up some great info and insights on this thread and thank you all for sharing your insights... I have been using safelists but probably not half as much as I should be. Which are the best ones? :rolleyes:

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  • 1 year later...

Using safelists how often you can it ensure you traffic and ... sometimes 1-2 sales.

My question is to use a limited set of safelists or to use them as much as many you can, even if you publish rarely?

http://www.1001nightsmailer.com - a paid membership site which allows free members too!


http://www.pizzasafelistmailer.com - my first safelist mailer site!

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My question is to use a limited set of safelists or to use them as much as many you can, even if you publish rarely?


I would say use as many safelists as you have time for.


Track your results.


If a safelist isn't performing as well as the others drop it... or if keep using it if you have the time.

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