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Marketing Checkpoint

What are your favorite mailers and why?

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What are your favorite mailers and why?


I would be interested in knowing what your CTRs are.


Also, those who may be upgraded members

Does it pay you to upgrade?


I am retired and on a very fixed income,

and at the present time I cannot

afford to upgrade anything....

At least not until I'm in profit in a

business opportunity.


Thanks for any comments.



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Hi Greg,


There are several mailers out there that offer great incentives, and

opportunities to earn commissions, albeit less, even as a free member.

In fact, I have noticed quite a few Safelist Owners here that have great sites.


Instead of pin-pointing any particular favourites,

I would suggest you utilize the mailers you do join to their full advantage,

by joining their downline builder, and adding your banners and text ads.

Also, save up some of your credits to send Solo and Log In Ads,

rather than using up all your credits for a regular mailing.

I think you will find you will get more "bang" for your credits.


Your current financial situation may not afford you to spend much,

but, Time is on your side.

Just add dogged determination, and focus on promotion!!


Good Luck!





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Hi Greg,


I have been getting some great results with credit safelists recently. I know they are all different, but I have been joining the ones I can afford. Puffin Mailer is very low-cost and allows you to send daily. Maryanne Myers has some really nice credit mailers, like Safelists dot com, List Shock, Wonder Mailer, etc. I join all of Maryanne's and get awesome results at hers.


I did upgrade in Marketing Checkpoint, because I love social sites targeted to people who work online. The only other business social sites I'm upgraded in are Adland Pro and Sokule. I don't upgrade in all of them. I decided to upgrade in this one because the admins are top-notch, and I know great results will come from here. I was very impressed with it from day one. The blogs are nice, forums, etc.


It's good to see you here, by the way! :-)








Internet Marketer from Indiana, USA. 

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It depends on what you are promoting and how the safelist respond.

Even the most responsive places could ignore your ads if they are

not interesting for the audience involved.

Always test and track before becoming a paid member.

Ultimately, if you need more exposure for some ads, there are

always Contact Solo Ads, Login Ads and List Solo Ads (and more)

that can give you the results you wish. The safelists owners here

have all safelists that reward very well their members, but it is

needed you are active.

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Very good advice! I have definitely sent ads through before that

got horrible results, but that was my lack of ad writing skills --

not the safelist. lol Or, maybe no one was interested in that

type of thing at that time.


Consistency is a big issue, too. I have joined things before but

then not been consistent with them. Using all of the advertising

available and doing it daily is so important.

Internet Marketer from Indiana, USA. 

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I like Viral Mail Profits for two reasons. It is effective advertising. More importantly, I manage all my mailers with it- about 150 of them. :)




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Things to look for...


1. Who is the Owner? ... Track Record... etc

2. How Fast do the program grow?

3. How is the costumer Support overall feeling, look?

4. When you like these 3 above - No question Upgrade makes all difference!

5. Now The Ball is over at YOUR side...

Track and Test Your Ads to see what works better...

6. The Page, pages you are using is THE Most Import Thing (Brand YOU, Be Unique)

7. A Gr8 Headline and a Catchy short ad copy helps!

8. Be Persistent and Consistent (This is Very Important makes a huge difference)

9. Use More then the Mailer... Use ALL Ad the Program Provide

10. Use Ranking sites as Hoopla as a Guide, starting point!


Drive safe out there....


PS. If you are interested to see my tracked results?

I do have My Top 10 List for April & May HERE!

1. Owner of: http://theleadmagnet.com/images/sb468x60.gif (Ranked #1 - 75 weeks -  17 700 Members) 


2. Grab My Ebook: ListBuildingMadeEasier.com ---- 2. Read My Blog: StefanBergs. com



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Any one that gets my clicks I like - I keep upgrades at about 10-15 and just rotate through each money drop the lowest converting and try something new :)


I wouldn't say any particular one is better than the other, as long as they have a constant stream of new members coming in, the results are usually there and for my advertising strategy when it comes to mailers the only thing that matters is conversions..


beyond that the obvious things, like not getting a verification email and then waiting a week for the support ticket to get my account verified clearly won't get you any sales, neither will if I get frustrated because because it takes 30 seconds for the page to load or the navigation is confusing, and having a bunch of oto's or login offers are a good way to make sure I stop logging in to your site too

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I used to have a lot of monthly fees for ad sites I use. I have been grabbing a lifetime membership here and there since around 2001. You'd be surprised how many places I try to send through daily (plus lifetime traffic exchanges).


I need to work on my consistency. I find it really difficult to juggle them all sometimes.

Internet Marketer from Indiana, USA. 

Want to see what I'm doing? Click Here

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  • 7 months later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have a few that give me good results however that dose not mean they will for you. I don't understand exallty why but it's true. I would suggest using a good tracking soruce and then send a few emails . Then you will know which ones give you the best results. Then upgrade in them when you can afford it. Botom line is you have got to have a good tracking system. They don't cost much and will pay for thierselves in a short time period.

All The Best,


Skype ted.carter24


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  • 1 month later...

I think everybody gets different results at different mailers depending on what they are promoting and other factors.  Personally I like Email-Hog a lot.  There are several others that I like too.  I am also on a fixed income so I don't generally upgrade either.  If I was going to upgrade somewhere, I think I would probably get a lifetime upgrade in Referral Frenzy or Viral Mail Profits because they're more than just safelists.  Wish you all the best!

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My favourite is email Hog, due to the fact that it is one of the many mailers that gets me results and sales!

Indeed, EH is a very good safelist. I tested it and I am ready to become a paid member.

http://www.1001nightsmailer.com - a paid membership site which allows free members too!


http://www.pizzasafelistmailer.com - my first safelist mailer site!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good day my fellow friends,


I have found that the mailer that I use the most is List Return. The reason I choose to use this one, is that it's geared to Marketers. whart better persons to send am email to than a fellow  marketer?  They are more apt to responding to the offer and seem to be a better choice of building a Team of folllower thur List Return than most other email marketing platforms.

To earn more money, send people to http://costaricaclicks.net/?rid=213

The secret of success is to know something nobody else knows.

Build your downline at  http://www.ptcreferrals.net/guides.php?afid=253

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I have found that for me the best are the ones I can promote to daily and I can control. I use SL Genie and send to over 200 SL's Daily with the help of SL Genie. When you sign to over 200 SL's and promote to them daily you cannot help but find your success a growing thing and you feel good about what you are doing. The key is promote, promote, promote, to the highest level you can afford.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of my favorites is magical mailer, it's getting me high CTR'S consistently.

I subscribe to your oppinion, but I like Listsurfing, Viralnugget and Adchiever too. They are not very large lists, but with great results.

http://www.1001nightsmailer.com - a paid membership site which allows free members too!


http://www.pizzasafelistmailer.com - my first safelist mailer site!

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Lots of good comments and great advice here, and it really does boil down to testing and tracking your own ads to see which places work best for you. Tracking is so very important or you'll spin your wheels and waste time and money.


Someone mentioned the track record of the owner, which is good to know, but if you're new to this type of marketing, you don't really know the track record, so it comes back to testing and tracking. Even on a low budget or free advertising you can track enough to know which safelist(s)/mailer(s) you should be upgrading in when you can.


I also agree that upgrading to the lifetime (or yearly at the very least) is the best way for me. Some of the lists don't always have that, but when they do and I can afford it at the time, that's what I do.

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