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Yes, succeeding with a downline builder usually takes strategy. Most of them claim "plug-in and play." This success you desire must correlate to personal effort and willingness to go above and beyond what others are not willing to do. Are you using the right downline builder for "you?" Are you sending enough traffic? What is enough traffic anyway, how do we know? Are you picking up the phone and making the personal connection besides autoresponder follow up? Does your downline builder have the right autoresponder letters? Does your downline builder provide you accurate contact information from those who join or opt-in? Does your downline builder advocate additional income streams that provide legit and useful products?


Ask the right questions, imagine the best strategy, find the right sponsor for you. I believe I have found the best downline builder in the world. So far I haven't found one that works better. Nor can I find anyone to tell me about another that works better.


Very common, this concept is becoming very popular by demand...


"What no downline builder?" Seems like downline builders are becoming as common as "speed dial" offered from buying a new phone.


Ahh, but what kind of downline are we focused on?


Single tier affiliate downline?


Multi Level downline?


I don't believe all downline builders are created equally.


So which downline builders are the best?


I am thinking primarily of Traffic Exchange downline builders, not your typical MLM builders (this thread was originally in the Traffic Exchange group but moved my admin).


TE builders are different in the respect that users may be seeking to build downlines simply for credit accumulation at the participating traffic exchanges and not necessarily income as affiliates.


Also Traffic Exchange folks are not likely to be picking up a phone and doing the typcial MLM downline thing of follow up and persuasion.


Nonetheless I think my question is also a good one to ask of MLM downline builder as well. So your response Daniel was appreciated as it reveals the importance of not relying on a downline builder site do the follow up and support necessary to being a good sponsor.


Kenny, I have to agree that the internal downline builders with most traffic exchanges can be just as good, if not better than the third party DLBs.


Ernie G




FYI, I moved this to the "Afilliate Marketing" group since it's not particular to Traffic Exchanges.


In regards to the topic, Downline Builders are nothing new. Very few are revolutionary or innovative outside the affiliate marketing industry. Straight Downline Builders, without additional services, are mostly useless unless you're a serious marketer who can attract a lot of direct signups. Services such as Darren Olander's Build My Downlines is pretty solid and I know he has some serious enhancements in progress.


Personally I find that the Downline Builder is an added bonus to primary services. There has to be a unique, innovative spin to a service which is strictly a Downline Builder, in order for me to give it any kind of support.

Hustle. Do everything in your power to reach beyond your goals.


IT is the individual, "beholder of the downline builder" who is responsible for "innovative spin." The downline builder that requires less "personal touch," the less effective that downline builder becomes long term.


So which admin offers the best?


Anyone, anyone?


I joined the 10k challenge when I started and it is basically a downline builder. I signed up over 100 folks and several of them upgraded and I made some cash.


They work.


I also sign on each of the programs that I join and I fill in the downline builders. I use them and they give me sign ups.


They work.


I am not actively marketing a downline builder currently, but I am still getting some signups.


They work, or at least they are working for me...


What say you?

I lost count a LONG time ago were it regards how many downline builders I have my referral links included but when it comes to the ONE that I get the most new team members through it's the one from TEHoopla.com that does it for me! You get 21 links as a free member and 42 when you go Pro. There are literally thousands upon thousands of members and new ones all the time. By the way, these 42 sites are the 42 sites that STATISTICALLY give up the most return for effort expended. Surf them or advertise on them and you'll get the greatest return and... more new downline from that downline builder.

Wow Dave,


I had kinda forgetten about TE Hoopla. After all these years it is pretty incredible that it is still going so strong and actually pulling in new downline members.


Love the concept behind downline builders but so few of them seem effective, upgraded or otherwise. Perhaps TE Hoopla is one of the exceptions.


Ernie G


Traffic Hoopla is the parent of TE Hoopla and List Hoopla... From inside your traffic hoopla account you will see area where you can save and update your referral ID's for TE Hoopla and List Hoopla.. Also vice versa, inside TE and ListHoopla, both sister programs allow you to insert and save your original Traffic Hoopla referral ID... So no matter which one you advertise, they are all interconnected, each one has its own set of downline builder sections.


TE Hoopla and List Hoopla were designed as an extention of "list1 and list2" which are separate downline builder sections within Traffic Hoopla. List1 represents the top Traffic Exchanges, List2 represents the top safelists. There is a list3 inside Traffic Hoopla, but these are programs that are NOT in either category of "traffic exchange" or "safelist."

Yes indeed Ernie. Its a very useful tool in many ways. In fact, its great tool to help newbies learn the concept of a downline builder. Some marketers focus only on finding the "experienced" team members for their organization. Im someone who also focuses on bringing in "newbies" to the industry for the first time. The greatest wave of growth into the home based business industry has yet to come. The wave will be created by millions of people who have never touched a home based biz opp before,, these people are looking for the right training. Including Traffic Hoopla into your collection of training tools is a very good idea.
Downline builders are very important to my business. They are a major source for new members to my traffic exchange. The most important one is TE Hoopla. It brings in a boat load of new members for me. Love it! :)
I am A member Of TE hoopla but don't understand it why should I stay a member or should I leave

Hey Robert! Using TE hoopla or taking full advantage of it depends on what it is you are trying to accomplish with "getting traffic." I'm more than willing to help you see how TE hoopla has been helping me. I'll send you friend's request here on MC.




Hi Robert, As Daniel states, it does depend on what you are looking to accomplish? If you're looking for more downline members in the Traffic Exchanges you surf, then add your referral ID's in TEHoopla's downline builder and watch the numbers rise as time goes by. Plus, if you surf the Traffic Exchanges listed in TEHoopla... you'll get better results as these sites "STATISTICALLY" perform better than any other sites!


Hope that helps.




Thanks I will go thought it have make sure I am set up correctly and will return with the answer or ask more questions

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