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Chrome Now Blocks Autoplay Videos


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So Chrome Now Blocks Auto-playing Videos With Sound!

I can see an argument for it but it seems like a dumb move to me. I actually don't use Chrome much anymore... I much prefer Edge.


What about everyone else's preference? Chrome, Edge or what?


Hi Dave,


I like Firefox :)

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So Chrome Now Blocks Auto-playing Videos With Sound!

I can see an argument for it but it seems like a dumb move to me. I actually don't use Chrome much anymore... I much prefer Edge.


What about everyone else's preference? Chrome, Edge or what?

I only use chrome for mining and that not too often now. It seems that, like Google, it wants to spy on everything I do. Getting really tired of this intrusive spyware.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So Chrome Now Blocks Auto-playing Videos With Sound!

I can see an argument for it but it seems like a dumb move to me. I actually don't use Chrome much anymore... I much prefer Edge.


What about everyone else's preference? Chrome, Edge or what?


Please check. It seems like Chrome Stop Block Auto-playing Videos With Sound Now.

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  • 1 year later...

i switched back and forth using firefox and brave, but i prefer firefox over brave.

it's a good thing for me to stop auto play videos since here our isp is not unlimited, so it consumes all the unnecessary bandwidth without me knowing it.


So Chrome Now Blocks Auto-playing Videos With Sound!

I can see an argument for it but it seems like a dumb move to me. I actually don't use Chrome much anymore... I much prefer Edge.


What about everyone else's preference? Chrome, Edge or what?

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