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Marketing Checkpoint

What is MarketingCheckpoint?

Matt Koshko

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I have been advertising the site but perhaps I can be more aggressive, I will see what I can do. I am also open to any ideas that anyone may have to increase activity or get members coming back more frequently :)


I like what you are doing with the sister sites to this one on the 6th of each month with the Promo Code idea I like that and always take advantage of it. I saw the membership here jump recently so you must be doing something wright.

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I have been advertising the site but perhaps I can be more aggressive, I will see what I can do. I am also open to any ideas that anyone may have to increase activity or get members coming back more frequently :)


I don't think it's aggression but more direction. If you are promoting using free and easy traffic like exchanges you may fall a bit short recruiting new blood. If you are focused on using mailers and safelist then you need to upsell the mailer features over the forum on a landing page targeted to safelist and mailer users. If you want to be active and used for launching new programs and new ideas you need to look at what Warrior Forum is doing and how they market it to the people using them to build marketing buzz and back links daily. Above all the board can't go a day without a post and preferably by multiple authors to show there is more than one guy using the system. Even if you have to seed content through Fiverr or IBOGIGS it's better than living a field of dreams where you build it and expect people to just magically come here and be active.


I will help because this is a great place for related links, has some popular marketers involved, and will continue to help my personal brand. I don't know why I got out of the habit of using forums but glad to be here and be active.

Andy Zeus Anderson


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Happy to hear that, welcome back Kathy!



I think you referred me to this email site, completely

changed my involvement with affiliating and made me more efficient.



to take time to thank you for this as it has proved to assist my venture.

Not yet successful :-) enough but plodding along.


I work in consultancy

too and would like to give you this feedback and tell you that I recognise

your name as a referrer: though not sure how many sites that I signed

through yourself.


Sometimes this seems like a lonely game and needs a

break-in with a more informal contact.


I will share with you as a senior

in my venture, so far, three links, please take note if you don't know them

already. The 3rd is my expanding personal website.


All my links, I use

myself apart from shop products, I value my choices at this time as I have

a complete control by usage, as I am in an early stage of affiliating:

after only just over 12 months. This is sure to dwindle if I can make this

pay and take on a mass work-load which I guess lots do.











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By being a member you can participate in:

  • Discussion topics around business, marketing, and related subjects (and unrelated)
  • Earn 250 points for participating in discussions (each topic or reply)
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  • Earning points by opening email ads
  • Selling digital products in the marketplace
  • Earning commissions referring members to MarketingCheckpoint whom buy a membership or banner ad
  • Networking with other members by adding friends
  • Becoming an authority through building trust and loyalty


This is my first time and I'm trying to get the feel of the site....Sounds real nice overall.

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By being a member you can participate in:

  • Discussion topics around business, marketing, and related subjects (and unrelated)
  • Earn 250 points for participating in discussions (each topic or reply)
  • Publishing and viewing events (in the calendar)
  • Advertise through banners
  • Advertise through email ads using earned points or upgraded account.
  • Earning points by opening email ads
  • Selling digital products in the marketplace
  • Earning commissions referring members to MarketingCheckpoint whom buy a membership or banner ad
  • Networking with other members by adding friends
  • Becoming an authority through building trust and loyalty


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