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Marketing Checkpoint

Top Topics Of The Week 10/28/2019 17:04 PM

Darren Olander

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  • Crowdfunding
    Started by eressie2 on 24 October 2019 - 12:11 PM

    How does crowdfunding work? Is it legal?

  • Thanks for Alowing me to share your space.
    Started by jeffcorcoran on 25 October 2019 - 01:22 PM

    Just wanted to say hi.  HI

  • OnPassive and GoFounders thoughts
    Started by firebyfifty on 19 October 2019 - 01:29 AM

    Hi All,


    I wasn't quite sure where to post this one and maybe the scam folder isn't the best place as I don't know that this is a scam.


    But, I was extremely surprised when I typed in Onpassive in the sea...

  • Do These Offers Work?
    Started by davepilgrim on 06 October 2019 - 10:30 AM

    Has anyone tried the 'Guaranteed Sales' solo ad offers being sold on clickbank?


    For example this one http://trckapp.com/896zz46m



  • How many programs are you promoting?
    Started by Kai Kauai on 30 September 2019 - 06:58 PM

    I don't know if anyone wants to share, but I keep seeing systems where people are promised 10+ streams of income.  Maybe a veteran has a system and can keep track of it all.  I upgraded in a mailer, I signed up for a paid membership i...

  • I Need a frame breaker solution
    Started by John Lederer on 07 October 2019 - 08:01 AM

    My capture page is breaking frames.

    Is there a way to fix this (without changing to a different site)?


    My issue: I ran a solo ad and noticed after clicking the credits link it

    broke frames and therefore the pa...

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