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Marketing Checkpoint

5-Figure Day Full Throttle... ?


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In 2015 I purchased the original 5-Figure Day program, and actually started making money with it. They were using Clickbank at the tine, and I received $60 each payment.

At $97/mo., funds ran low and I couldn't continue.  But I always felt it would've grown if I kept it up.


Now I see that it's called 5-Figure Day Full Throttle, and changed quite a bit. They're with WarriorPlus now, and I'm thinking of going there again since I did get some some return the first time.


But before I do, has anyone had any experience with this program? I'd like to hear from those who have actually worked it, or anyone who has verifiable information if it's good or not (not reviews from obviously biased 5FD users  ;)  ).




-- Joel

Taking another kick at the can, because I can.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

You may want to try joining his Facebook groups, that's where he supports his affiliates, his training is thorough also. Trying to support people on a one to one can be time consuming, that's what I concluded, but found you can get him in the group. His name is Ahmed Ali, well experienced, and I trust his products personally.

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  • 2 months later...

$95 a month for that? Seriously i had no idea it was that expensive.  I know brian from back in the day

he had a lot of membership sites that were inexpensive but i couldn't keep paying at the time. He switched

over to these automated sites I'm a member of some but free membership.  You can make bank with the

leads if you give it your all.






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