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Do you collect the name?

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Most marketers now are advising to NOT use the name field to collect when trying to get someone to join your list, because the more fields you have someone to fill out the lower the conversions will be. This means to get the highest conversions on your form is to ONLY use the email field. 

Do you like to know the names of the people on your list, or are you just collecting the email?

Do you feel most people have figured it out that if they see their name in an email that it was automatically put there and it's not really personal?


Founder of Marketing Checkpoint

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I see no problem with entering my name when I give my email. I think that in the marketing environment the name is important, it goes along with the idea of branding.  With tools like RoboForm and even the browsers these fields can be filled with the click of one button so this should be easy to do. Capturing the name after they sign could be a difficult issue at a later time and I think we need the best start we can get.

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I've been hearing that too Darren, and I have yet to test it, although I should (perhaps I should do a split test solo with you...could you do this? We could post results/case study here.)


Anyway, I once heard an old school motivational speaker....errm, perhaps it was Zig Ziglar, say that nothing sounds sweeter to a person than their own name.  I've always understood that learning a person's name and using it throughout a conversation increases your influence...in person or over the phone anyway.  


In terms of Internet Marketing...well, I'm in the business so there aren't too many tricks that get by me (in fact some of what I learned, I learned from Jerry up there years ago ~waves~...love your blog!).  


Anyway, I typically ignore most of a webpage and email, skimming for the information I am looking for or to find the point of the page/email. In terms of personal preference, I might have to agree that less is more.  Get to the point, or make it easy for me to get what I want, this includes purchases.  I honestly do not watch videos longer than a minute, nor do I ever read long sales pages.  


I think the digital marketing era that we are in now gives us about 8 seconds or less to capture someone's attention long enough to get them to take action...Keeping their attention is tougher, and getting them to come back after they've left your site or email is even tougher!


Perhaps collecting just the email would work in the short term, you can gather the rest of the info on a checkout form when they buy something, during a survey, or a contest.  It's worth a try...

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I've been hearing that too Darren, and I have yet to test it, although I should (perhaps I should do a split test solo with you...could you do this? We could post results/case study here.)



You can do that through a solo anywhere, you just need to put two different landing pages in a rotator where each landing page has a different web form.


Perhaps collecting just the email would work in the short term, you can gather the rest of the info on a checkout form when they buy something, during a survey, or a contest.  It's worth a try...



Yea if one has come up with a way to get the rest of the info later that is useful.

Founder of Marketing Checkpoint

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Lesser fields will increase conversion rate.  But in the long run and to build relationship with subscribers, I feel it is better to collect people's name to send personalised message regardless of whether they know it is an automated message or not.

'Hello gnana' catches my attention more often than 'hello there'. 

It is annoying when someone sends me with a subject line "Download is READY for  xyz@gmail.com"

There is a high chance of people considering it as a spam and ignoring it.


It would be nice to see if someone has split-tested and have stats.

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  • 2 months later...

I prefer to get the FIRST name (not the last).

Most people assume they will need to enter

their name & email in the field.


It helps too...when you're tracking who's who.

Having a bunch of email address's or a first name

attached to them:-)

Warmest Regards,

John Lederer

Marketer since 1995

Online since 2000

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  • 4 months later...

I think it depends on what you are offering, I have several landing pages, some straight to the point with just email field (usually use this ones on solos and ad swaps), others with name and email, and I even have landing pages that looks more like sales pages, this ones I use while networking directly to someone, making my offer more personal, so I can provide more detailed info on what I am offering, here i usually use both name and email.


Interesting to read the different opinions here

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  • 1 month later...

My thoughts are get their full name , first and last.. I like to know who I am talking too.. and if people really want to be taken  serious and brand themselves use your full name.. when opting in.. you usually can tell who is serious marketer.


I have had no issue with full names in my opt in forms.. who knows though how many are bogus.. The serious people always stand out..

Anything is possible if you are consistent and put yourself out there.. 

Diane Mumm





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The Book How to Win Friends and Influence People recommends the use of a persons name as mentioned above as does Zig Zigler and also the Book Think and Grow Rich. I think carrying this into internet marketing is a logical next step.


You have mentioned ALL classics and must read books! (I have read all of them and I used to work for Dale Carnegie Training)


I would like to see the names of people who have joined thru my links.


Frankly, I think that's it's a mistake to not ask for the name.

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  • 6 months later...
Guest mrclean0325

I think it will be determined by what your purpose for the list is in the end. If you are a "go for the numbers" type and just want to build a huge list fast to "churn and burn", then just an email. If you want to build a business and a relationship, the name is needed. Then do you use a single optin or double? I prefer the double because I want people on my list who WANT to be on my list. A list full of people who don't buy, don't respond, don't communicate is a waste of time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 1 month later...

I like both names + an email address.  I get upset when I do all the work - sponsor 40 people and only the admin has the email.  I want to send a personal welcome to all new people and offer to help them as needed.

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
with apprehension; the other is with anticipation  .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is better to take the name, seem to be more friendly when you contact your subscriber.


But I never use the simple optin, even most of marketer do it. Double optin give you the certitude that the member wanted to subscribe, and was not a mistake.

http://www.1001nightsmailer.com - a paid membership site which allows free members too!


http://www.pizzasafelistmailer.com - my first safelist mailer site!

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  • 2 years later...

i collect first name, at the least with the email address so i can personalize the email.

but it's not required field.

some people still wants to remain anonymous at least i have another field to get the username.

well i like leaving my username and email.

Most marketers now are advising to NOT use the name field to collect when trying to get someone to join your list, because the more fields you have someone to fill out the lower the conversions will be. This means to get the highest conversions on your form is to ONLY use the email field. 

Do you like to know the names of the people on your list, or are you just collecting the email?

Do you feel most people have figured it out that if they see their name in an email that it was automatically put there and it's not really personal?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like to collect the names of my prospects.  It's a good point of reference (to me).


If a prospect refuses to submit the name, then so be it.


Some will, some won't.


If they want to information bad enough it won't be a problem. :)

I'm on the same train of thought when it comes to this, I'm collecting First, Last name, and geographic location from my email subscribers.

It's slow going but i think its worth it in the long run. But then i also offer an SMS and Push notification subscriptions options as-well.


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