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Marketing Checkpoint

Kevin J Timothy

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Everything posted by Kevin J Timothy

  1. I like Hitsconnect also, and used it for quite some time. The UI is nice. The tagging system is excellent. I just wanted more tracking features, and the link customization did not meet my needs.
  2. I would like to suggest Clickmagick to you. I think what you are describing is the ability to create a custom tracking link. If you own the domain you'll like it here. They have options galore for the online business owner. The feature I really like is the ability to share metrics with others; for example, members in a downline. If you explore please come back and tell others what you think.
  3. One must obtain some type of contact management system (autoresponder). Once that's in place you create your campaign. But you have to first commit to the autoresponder and the idea of building the list. It's surprising that there are still too many business owners not focusing on contacts.
  4. Please provide the option to geo-target ads. Thank you.
  5. Is the Cash Flow Quadrant something you consider in your life? Is it something you apply to your business ventures? Share with us when you were first exposed to it and how the realization changed you forever. If you are not familiar with the concept, I broke it down as simply as I possibly could in my post.
  6. Don't sleep on the idea, but certainly do not invest more than you can afford to lose. Like ANY investment.
  7. 1. Surf multiple sites simultaneously. 2. Focus on promoting advertising tools. 3. Obtain referrals as quickly as possible. 4. Upgrade and/or invest in more credits with profits. 5. Do NOT leave integrated downline builders empty.
  8. Dude... This drives me totally nuts! After all, this is a professional industry. I hope and pray that home business owners begin to take grammar (and punctuation) seriously. Often times it very difficult for me to decode the message an ad is trying to convey. It just drives me nuts. I apologize. We desperately need an academic revolution!
  9. Well this explains A LOT. For the past handful of years I always thought his sites were suspect. Hits not being delivered, and sketchy commissions. Thanks for this update!
  10. I cannot afford to leave any stone unturned. Potential prospects and customers are EVERYWHERE. Online marketing just makes it much easier to reach masses (at a MUCH lower cost than a highway billboard).
  11. I don't think that ANY form of advertising can be "dead." Certain strategies can be, but not advertising. Advertising is a required evil in business, and the more advertising - the better. Where traffic exchanges are concerned, I believe that the product one is promoting makes a difference. Promoting advertising tools seem to be the most effective in TEs. The less consistent the advertising (in TEs) the less effective they become. They are not dead, though.
  12. I think the best one is Hubpages. It has a very intuitive interface for composing articles, and the ad-sharing program is top notch. Get paid as a result of Google/Bing search traffic, eBay, and Amazon. I like!
  13. I agree! I don't understand why many people choose to flirt with disaster where autoresponders are concerned. The focus seems to be on the ability to "house" an unlimited number of subscribers. I don't see the point if you have to compromise on the quality of service - particularly email delivery. The primary complaint seems to be the autoresponder cost increasing as the subscriber count does the same. My advise would be to curate your subscriber list and clean periodically. Over time you'll have an increasingly responsive list, AND the right prospects. These are the prospects that will cover the cost of having a quality autoresponder. When it comes to autoresponders I prefer to have quality; not quantity. In your quest for finding the right one, do consider the 30 day test drive AWeber offers. PS... Allow me to add an example: I sell on eBay, and I rely on AWeber's Paypal integration. This means that each time a saleis complete, the eBay customer is automatically placed on a campaign I've created. This is just ONE of the features that is important to me and what I do. Not all autoresponders are created equal, butcertainly do not base them solely on cost/subscriber ratio.
  14. Absolutely. There are many more options to efficiently generate traffic. When budgets are low in the beginning, they will suffice. I believe the key is to get them working for YOU through the accumulation of active referrals.
  15. I had an autoresponder prior to choosing AIOP. I still plan to keep it because I like the former one more. However, AIOP has a surprisingly good tracker, and the compensation plan makes sense. AIOP makes a good funded proposal for other things, too.
  16. Too much ambiguity involved here. Just start somewhere. Pay for it, prepare to track results, then introduce a new paid strategy. Be consistent, that way you have a decent sized sample pool for your experimentation. The bottom line is, though, paid advertising saves a lot of time; but you must track the progress. Do not blindly invest advertising funds without a plan to track.
  17. You tell em, miss! Safelists work without a doubt. ...and the sale of an email address isn't a kingdom issue for me. The trade off for the benefits I reap from safelists are worth the "risk." Safelists do a great job at introducing a new internet marketer to passive traffic. I still generate leads from this form of marketing, too. No marketing strategy will work if consistency isn't applied.
  18. Using HTTPS, the computers agree on a "code" between them, and then they scramble the messages using that "code" so that no one in between can read them. This keeps your information safe from hackers. As a result, obtaining this security feature on websites have become more marketable (and important). With the influx in online fraud your website visitors can rest assured that their personal information cannot be compromised so easily. Get yourself an SSL certificate for your blog/website/domain. It's very affordable...and it could mean the difference in sales or no sales (for you).
  19. Davepilgrim, Where advertising is concerned it's a quality product. I get satisfactory results from LAS. Where the re-selling is concerned I do believe that people are still getting on board. I still see their advertising consistently. LAS isn't my primary business, although it can be, but it certainly is within my funnel.
  20. Davepilgrim, These are all great strategies. Thanks for sharing.
  21. You may already know that as a small business owner in the USA there can be tax advantages. In order to get them, though, your reporting has to be spot on for the government. For those that are small business owners and/or independent contractors... Can you please share with us some of the resources you use for this purpose? What's your process for tracking income vs. expenses? Thank you in advance!
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