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Marketing Checkpoint

Maryanne Myers -Webstars2K

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Everything posted by Maryanne Myers -Webstars2K

  1. A few years ago I actually put it on a list to merge with another site and close it, because I assumed after a long time that it would be deadish, it was older programming and would benefit going elsewhere. When I looked at the stats I was very surprised on how active it was.... so left it alone and just redesigned it instead. Since then I've been mulling it over on why... and I think I know a couple reasons on why. But, not gonna say why it's a secret! Aside from that, it may be the group of members there too, like the group there is unique. It's a myth that all my sites have the same people on them... as they (the sites) would have to be all the same to get the same people with all the ssame likes and dislikes! So I think it's the unique type over there too
  2. LOL no need to post the same here as I see your support tickets at Webstars2k but I put a fix on that site. Looks like I need to do it for ALL sites.. like right now. Oh... where is the coffee! lol And I have no idea why facebook is putting some sort of tracking link on all links that are posted at FB. It's new and bizarre... I figure its for data collection? maybe the browsers are collecting it? I dont know. But I consider it luck to be able to find a work around that, messing up other websites reading on who's page it is I am sure
  3. No errors - anywhere. You dont claim it, the system automatically applied the 100 points already so 250 (logins) and 100 points = 350
  4. No bug it works perfectly. I broke it down for you in the support ticket. logged in for the last 5 days = 250 points clicked 200 = 100 points (claim it once) Your refs have to be activated first to be counted.
  5. There is nothing to resolve tho. See, there are two points contests. 1 for power lion (weekly contest, that is what the points on emails are for) http://profitslion.com/current.php and contest points for cash http://profitslion.com/contest.php 0 Links
  6. I am not in ticket support everyday though... but just answered it. But, There is nothing wrong with your contest points. Everything is working perfectly.
  7. Ah glad it was fixable! and it almost has a 1000 members now, or passed it
  8. Yes! and it has been fixed for the past few hours now. Like I said, facebook is attaching weird tracking code on the end of the urls when clicked from there. It redirects to the site with their tracking code on the end and messes things up showing member username in the url ?! But programmed something in to get rid of it
  9. I meant, keeping a balance of $100 or more does not work with Paypal. That does not make sense though. I had thousands sitting there... and so did others, with an excellent record. Bottom line, you cant believe a thing that p.pal tells you. In fact, they are still telling me as "one of their best sellers.." "to get another capitial loan.." (But I have been booted - closed - banned - screwed over - betrayed - bamboozeled... by them I can't do another capitial loan with this moronic and unethical company if I wanted to because they closed my account, but yet they harrass me in email and by postal mail to use them more.)
  10. I slapped all those cards on there in my account haha its easy to switch it from BTC to euro to usd and back to BTC and whatever else, and back and forth
  11. Funny because I was ALSO drinking coffee and laughed, at you drinking coffee and almost spraying it on your keyboard about that haha
  12. I use Uphold, Zelle, and Transferwise too - just sent payouts to people using them today (and of course, BTC too)
  13. More and more places are requiring the Authy thing, I would just learn it now. I avoided it for over 2 years but now can't. It's easy, but it's a hassle at first. Then you get the hang of it.
  14. B*llsh*t. It is not about combatting fraud as ppal says. it's purging digital services and goods over money. That is why it's so weird and final now. No way of getting around that we all sell digitial services/goods. No policy, no wording, no type of site, etc changes that. But, it was the 4th time for my last account too, they nabbed the same one in 2010 (once), 2016 (twice) and then finally the 4th time in Dec. 2018 it was closed. It's just over for it being a factor anymore. They are 100% replaced on my own sites and the engine is running full force as usual. Anyone still using it - expect closure. Any site who has put it back onto their site - expect closure. ANyone buying digitial services/good - graphics, games, advertising, ect - expect closure. Anyone receiving commissions - they watch site owners account (fact, I can name two), expect closure. So just get rid of them and use something else that doesn't pull the rug out from underneath you.
  15. .... I have never heard of any processor doing that before... it's like theft?
  16. Paypal also hit ORU itself too, a couple days ago. This is the weirdest time by far, they have done it since 2003. But since 2016 -2019 sweeps... very weird.
  17. Thank you and will add more if needed... but I think 8 ways is enough for now hahaha They would have to kill me, but then I think I would come back as a ghost girl warrior and continue on the fight. I know you're not going anywhere neither, I see you advertising 2-3 things in many sites, alot hahaha
  18. hehehe true.. true.. how else? and I didnt know that he sold his sites.... so so many did the same it seems, many just left, many just shut down
  19. No, they got it closed for sure. I am a (free) member of that site, so I saw it was there myself. (I sign up to just about everything, active or not). Well, Frank Salina's is a marketer, of course he is promoting it. But that email was sent 2-3 months ago. Maybe 4 months now. I am not sure, but I got a copy also.
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