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  • Can You Tell That I REALLY Love This Marketing Stuff?
    Started by captkirk on 01 April 2017 - 08:50 AM

    Hi Fellow MC Members and Guests,


    Tommie Kirkland (Captkirk) here...


    I really love what I'm doing online, it's not an effort for me to advertise, advertise and advertise.


    The first t...

  • Starting and staying organized
    Started by Clare Bowen on 28 March 2017 - 02:23 AM

    Hi everyone


    When I first started online, I had no idea that I'd be joining and getting involved in so many different programs. You can have a handful of income programs, but its incredible the amount of resources you gather...

  • My love|hate relationship with mailers
    Started by essentialsoflife on 31 March 2017 - 09:12 AM

    I became enthusiastic about using mailers after joining Your Viral List and reading the Top 25 converting sites and seeing how quickly the site grew.  So, I thought I'd do testing on my own because I wanted to find out "the rest of the sto...

  • Traffic from TEs
    Started by essentialsoflife on 30 March 2017 - 09:27 AM

    I've been trying a few traffic exchanges (dabbling a bit in the free stuff while testing my landing pages before committing to paying for advertisement) and have found that I rarely get above 10 page views a day - a better average of 5 - after...

  • Zubees?
    Started by Steve Jones on 31 March 2017 - 10:40 PM

    Just wondering what happened to the Zubees

  • Igor Solo Ads
    Started by essentialsoflife on 30 March 2017 - 10:34 AM

    This morning I saw an ad promoting Has anyone used this company?  What kind of price and conversion should I expect?  Pricing isn't listed on their page, which makes me a little wary.

  • Geographical Targeting - suggestions, please!
    Started by Margot Lawrence on 30 March 2017 - 05:40 PM

    My main business is Avon. Although it is a global organisation, it operates as separate companies in all the different countries. As I'm in the UK, I can only sell to customers in the UK and I can only recruit downline team members in the UK.

  • For Business Opps and Money Making Opps Use Gmail...
    Started by captkirk on 05 March 2017 - 10:44 AM
    Hi Fellow MC Members and Guests,

    Tommie Kirkland (Captkirk) here...

    I highly recommend that you use Gmail for all of your money making and business opportunities so that you receive your confirmations email. Most FREE email provide...

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