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Marketing Checkpoint



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I was checking my inbox the other day and came across a new product by a prolific creator - who I've got nothing against, per se - but the pitch and the product seemed so contradictory I couldn't help but chuckle.


The gist of the whole thing was how it was much easier to make money by giving stuff away for free. Nothing wrong with that but after a long sales page talking about how the creator of this course uses this technique all the time, loves it, makes a lot of money with it and will teach his customers all about this 'free gift' marketing method, I couldn't help but smile when I got to the bottom of the salesletter and saw a simple 'Buy Now' button and a price.


Am I the only one reluctant to buy a course about a marketing method so 'awesome' that the author isn't even using said method to sell his own course!?

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i believe in giving away the free report to build your list. I learned to do it years ago on the Warrior Forum

But I often just sell outright.


I don't know maybe it was just a poor choice to sell on that particular newsletter because of the topic.






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Am I the only one reluctant to buy a course about a marketing method so 'awesome' that the author isn't even using said method to sell his own course!?

No, I think the author needs to change his approach if he want veteran marketers to buy his program.


If his program was so great why isn't he giving his course away for free and make more money on the back end rather than trying to earn money on the front end.


This is a course that I wouldn't buy because he isn't using his own method that he's trying to sell.  :)

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