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Marketing Checkpoint

Garrett Hutsko

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Everything posted by Garrett Hutsko

  1. I think you have a good set to work with. Myself I try to read as many emails as I can and from time to time I do go to the next step and maybe even to the next step after that, I think that as a SL user I have a responsibility to read as many emails as I can.
  2. My one concern in this is that you might remove someone who could upgrade and or seek to make their membership more viable and as a result change their activity. I try to spend time reading my inbox material but it is not easy and I think that deciding to remove someone without sending some kind of message first could be a mistake. My feeling is that one or two weeks is to short a time to use to decide to remove someone from a list. In my processes I try to visit each site I am a member of at least once every 3 to 4 weeks and I do try to read my incoming promos daily, my hope is that this is enough to keep me alive in the SLs I belong to. I get warning emails from some SLs that cause me to visit the site sooner but for the most part I hope this is enough to keep me alive in these sites. I am among those who upgrade after I use the site for awhile and feel it is worth my money. I think that this is a good approach to my use of SLs.
  3. I appreciate your reply. I think in an effort to stop spam the cure is worse than the problem. I think in this area it might be better to confront directly instead of by software.
  4. I just ran into a blocked word problem at TWE-Safelist that was not only frustrating but cost me the better part of an hour. I finally gave up, I tried multiple messages and subjects and could find none that would work. If these block words processes are necessary I would like to see them be more specific but the process is very vague and I have to guess what the problem is. I hate losing this kind of time as it costs me more than it is worth. I wish I could get the sites using this stuff to turn it off or to give better guidelines.
  5. Wish you luck in this. He told me that he has talked to programmers about problems they create which make working with SL Genie difficult. He has tried to communicate with them and they seem to ignore him. I think he knows what he is trying to communicate but he comes across such that they ignore him.
  6. there are a few. The key to SL Genie is not so much the mailing as the ability to read and control use of SLs. SLs are more than mailers, there are banners, text ads and other things Mailer Ninja and Refferal Frenzy don't work with. Also SL Genie has Reader function which allows me to read promo messages more effecientially and collect credits. SL Genie also has a list build function with a commission of from 50% to 75%.
  7. The admin of SL genie has removed more SLs from SL Genie. Personally I think this is wrong but I don't run the site. I am finding Mailer Ninja and Referral Frenzy to be great and it looks like they are a good replacement to SL Genie. I think the Admin is very short sited, I think he should focus on building SL Genie instead of Cutting it back, these others will replace SL Genie and SL Genie will die the way he is handling it.
  8. I agree, I have spent some time with him trying to fix a problem and have found him to be strong in his opinions. I see SL Genie as a tool that allows me to visit SLs quickly and do what I need to do easily, but I don;t think he sees SL Genie that way. HE looks at SLs and thinks that he needs to monitor the CTR rates and if they don't perform he removes them from SL Genie, I think if he is not carefull he will remove all the SLs that are currently there and make SL Genie a tool that no one will want. That is a shame sine I think SL Genie can be a powerful tool worth having.
  9. I am setting these up now abd will soon see if they work for me. I think he is wrong in removing all these SLs. I think that if SL Genie is approached correctly SLs will get more traffic, I use it as a soucr of joining SLs and building my business but if he keeps removing SLs from the primary area the SLs will loose. I don't think as the admin of SL genie he should be making these kind of decisions. He has removed a a lot of good SLs along with the SLs he considers bad and it seems he is making his decisions poorly. When he removes a SL he affects how I use it and slows my processes down. I ahave found that if a SL is in SL Genie I can iterative with it more efficiently and as such build my business, By the way have you visited the question of making your Mountain High Mailer a SL in SL Genie.
  10. I have tried to use that area of SL Genie and have had little success. Are you able to read in emails in the SL you have set up. To me that would be the best use of this area but I have not been able to do that. I will look into that closer beause SL Genie is a great tool but being able to use it with other SL than the ones in the list is something I would like to do. I plan to try that area again and will let you knkow what I find there. Thanks
  11. I am a member of Worldprofit and in the Friday Bootcamp training George has discussed this at great length and has put out a post that I blogged which I think has a lot to say about this. You can check it out on my blog at: How To Safeguard Your Online Business Against Fake Signups Using An Easy Peezy Solution That’s FREE.. If you want to read this post past this link ( http://blog.grandslambiz.com/blog/2016/01/25/how-to-safeguard-your-online-business-against-fake-signups-using-an-easy-peezy-solution-thats-free/ ) into your browser and check it out.
  12. I just did a check and it seems that ms word has the ability to read a PDF file. If it can read a PDF file you should abe able to save a copy of it in any supported MS Word format, this also means that one it has been saved in a different format you should be able to edit it as much as you need. Microsoft has been working hard to work with various formats so maybe this is the answer you need.
  13. I use Safelists all the time and use tools which make my interaction with them faster and more efficient. One tool I use is SL Genie which allows me to read emails, collect credits, and send my promo materials. The admin at SL Genie has started removing Safelists from his tool based on his perception that a Safelist is under performing. I personally do not agree with his criteria for removal, in some cases it seems to be arbitrary. I can understand if the safelist doesn't work in SL Genie but in some cases he seems to have just decided that a safelist in no good. My feeling is that a tool of this nature should have any and all safelists it can and that if a safelist is bead that decision should be made by me the user not by him as the admin. I think I should be the one to decide a safelist is no good. I feel that SL Genie should be in the business of helping to build up safelists and help me build my business and any opinion of a safelist being food or bad is not for SL Genie to make
  14. I found a clipboard Control program which allows me to store formatted promo copy for use later. With this program I store many clips which I can retrieve without having to recopy over and over again. I have stored many HTML promos the way I want them for reuse. As a result I don't have to worry about the HTML working or not in some of these sites I just paste the formatted result into the promo I am sending. This works well for me and gives me the best of results most of the time. The program I use is called SpartanClips just google it to find it for purchase, the price is reasonable for what it does.
  15. I aam in a program through my Legal Shield program which is pretty good. The best protection is to watch your account closely and have one of these programs. It is to bad we need these kinds of programs yet in our world today nothing is safe
  16. Often their emails are moved to Spam buckets by the mail readers. You should be using a gmail account and set up filters for anything you are expecting to receive. i take all my spam stuff and put it back into the inbox then I delete what I don't want, I don't trust what they mark as spam and often find stuff that would have otherwise been trashed.
  17. The C got dropped when I typed this in it should read TUCows. I have been there often and found tools that have solved problems like this so check it out at tucows.com. I just did a quick check and it is still a working site, however you will want to go to The main page does not have a link I could find to take me to the downloads. There you will find a few tools that might do what you need for free.
  18. Maybe a partial answer would be to do a cut and past from the PDF in Word and correct during that process then save it back into a new PDF document. I used to go to a website call TUOWS where you could get all kinds of Shareware and/or Freeware, you might find what you need there. Another possible answer would be to get the upgraded ADOBE program which then would allow you to edit PDF stuff directly, the problem here being that the upgraded ADOBE is not cheap.
  19. I received emails from some Safelists which are getting ready to close soon. The problem being according to the emails no one is joining/upgrading in them, Apparently interest isn't there for these sites. I personally am not happy with this decision but I do understand. It seems that some of the Safelists out there just don't have that special something that is needed to keep them going strong. There are sites that have a large membership and sites that are struggling. There are new startup Safelists which seem to be interested in making a quick return on investment then they shut down taking the quick cash, I just wish these could be ID'ed upfront. I wish it was easy to ID the Safelists which will hang in there for a long time. I think the ones that have a large membership have discovered whatever is needed to be great the others just linger long enough to take the money and run.
  20. The interesting thing here is that I got a phone call from someone who thought that they ccould boost my SEO standings just by spending money with them. They worked hard and tried to convince me that I needed their help in an area where I have been for some time now. I spend money on the net for various things and have my accounts in various places where my SEO standings are good, they could not understand that and tried to convince me that I would fail with out them. As I learn more about SEO I am learning that my efforts in the generic and simple ways are doing more than spending money with someone like this.
  21. I have used IBO when I post to my blogs/ What I use is their PR (press release) where I re-post my blog posts. I see it as a place where I can get exposure of my materials. I don't worry about a sale at this location I just want to get my stuff out where it is seen and as such when someone wants what I have then I will be there for them.
  22. The answer is yes to all the above. You are promoting yourself as a business which an turn a note into quick cash. The postcards and the postage cost. Not cheap but can lead to good money if you can do the work and time.
  23. I participated in a Notes program many years ago and I found it to be to much effort when you got almost no return and the return usually was a bad address notice. The program was for me to get people who had notes to talk to me such that i would turn those notes into income for the current owner, myself and the person wishing to but the note. In concept the program makes sense but getting people to work with you was the challenge. The program used postcards as a key element of the business but for the most part postcards go to the trash fast, most of the time with maybe a quick glance and as a result no response.
  24. The query about VTG is interesting. I Belong to VTG it it is "Viral Traffic Games". With a membership in this site you are given opportunities while surfing and or reading emails to progress through a game board and collect credits and other prizes. It adds an extra dimension to these that isn't there in normal SL's adm/or TE's.
  25. SEO is nice but there is a better way by using Safelists and Traffic Exchanges which for the most part are free. When you use these you get seen by those on the net without having to pay for the SEO process. People see your site, landing pages, and promotions and respond to them, as they do the SEO process takes place and you start to rise in the Search engines towards page one. This is a natural way to get promoted with spend large amounts of money. SEO is nice but why spend the money if there is a better way to do it.
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