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WARNING: DO NOT open any emails from "empowr"

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Guest mrclean0325

Let me relate something that just happened to me. Just before I took a break to play some video games, I got an email from a person I know The subject line was this: Final Reminder: XXXXX claims to know you (circle of trust promotion).


So I opened it and it stated it was my final reminder to confirm my trust relationship and had a button to confirm. It also had a button a bit lower that that said something along the line of "Not sure you know XXXX" and the button said to "view pictures".


So I clicked on the view pictures button to make sure it was who I thought it was. Gmail immediately brought up a windows asking if I give this empowr site permission to access my address book and other information. I thought what is this BS and said no and closed the window.


I played my game and got back on the computer to check my email. I had 2 new emails from empowr. One was a welcome email from my coach and another one which was a notification someone liked my photo.(?)


I opened the welcome email from my "coach" from empowr introducing himself. At the bottom of the email was this p.s.


"P.S. I know that when signing up, many folks don't read the product terms that they agreed to (here they are again for your review). I highly recommend that you take a moment to read it or watch a quick video if that sounds like more fun than reading, because empowr is a complex economy, as opposed to a simple website. Let me know if you have any questions."


There was a button to reply to my new, unasked for, coach in something I NEVER signed up for in the first place. I was sent to my account page with a place to reply to my coach and rate them.


Well, I rated him alright. I made it clear, and in no uncertain terms, I was NOT a happy camper for them not only violating my privacy, but to illegally sign me up for their program without my consent and whatever other federal and state laws those things breaks. I requested very pleasantly (heh, yeah) to remove any and all of the illegally obtained data they got from me and NEVER darken my inbox again.


I then saw they had an unsubscribe link in the email and clicked it, there was an option to delete your account (the account I NEVER signed up for in the first place) - so I did.


Then my curiosity kicked in as to what the heck (i did have to calm down before writing this a bit or it would be NSFW and get me banned from the forum for obscenity) IS empowr? So I did a search and found a TON of crap which were reviews and such all leading to people to join empowr - except this one!




From the name I had originally thought it was a rebirth of empower network or something - not so. I do know it is a US company out of San Diego, CA so I will be spending some time tomorrow filling out forms and sending emails to report this to the FTC and other agencies.


I have already emailed the person who supposedly sent the invitation and told them what happened and if they are really in it to RUN. I have emailed everyone I know to NOT open any emails from them.


You have been warned! :(

Guest mrclean0325

UPDATE: I got the response from my friend who supposedly sent the email invitation. He has NEVER even heard of them until he started getting emails like mine from other friends. He is also going after them for illegally using his name for promotional purposes and whatever other pound of flesh he can extract from these people.


This is very bad news for everyone and obviously a scam of epic proportions. If you are getting emails from these people, PLEASE change the password ASAP to that email account.


Obviously, they are skimming emails and getting associations from somewhere to send email from people you know. Could be social media, could be they hacked a few address books (Someone we both know had to have let their app scan their address book), or some other nefarious (yes I did go there) method.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mrclean0325

Does the unsubscribe link work? I mean, did you stop getting emails after you unsubscribed?


Yes, BUT you have to go a bit further and delete your account which there is an option when you click the unsubscribe button.


Empowr sucks completely and they actually charged me $190+ one month which was a nightmare to get refunded (by design so you give up) and fianlly close my account.

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  • 1 month later...

It's odd that this came up. I got an email from empowr. I opened it, but never clicked the links or anything. I just ignored it and, so far, haven't heard anything else. Thanks.

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quoting from the first post ""P.S. I know that when signing up, many folks don't read the product terms that they agreed to (here they are again for your review). I highly recommend that you take a moment to read it or watch a quick video if that sounds like more fun than reading, because empowr is a complex economy, as opposed to a simple website. Let me know if you have any questions." "


That is no joke, there are way too many things to know and not many people are going to learn all of the ins and outs of what is really going on.  Yes, they take money from you, charging you for ad credits.


Please, I also beg everyone to stay away from it!!  I can not get my husband to close his account as he is just sure that any day now he will have $4000 mature.  I've read countless testimonies to him of people who were scammed and he doesn't care.  In the meantime, he's paid in well over $1000 to them in ad credits instead of paying the bills like he should.

He shrugs his shoulders and tells me to shut up that it's all going to work out in the end.  Yes, I already knew that he is an idiot.


He's not been on his tablet for a long time now...do I dare bring up empowr and ask him if he closed his account and start yet another fight with him??

Guest mrclean0325
Please, I also beg everyone to stay away from it!!  I can not get my husband to close his account as he is just sure that any day now he will have $4000 mature.  I've read countless testimonies to him of people who were scammed and he doesn't care.  In the meantime, he's paid in well over $1000 to them in ad credits instead of paying the bills like he should.

He shrugs his shoulders and tells me to shut up that it's all going to work out in the end.  Yes, I already knew that he is an idiot.

I am sorry for your situation. Unfortunately, there are far too many people who take this attitude since they engage their wallets before they engage their brain. It is lottery thinking, "If I just buy enough tickets I will win the big prize". Even though you have a better chance getting struck by lightning in a cave. Then it become a thing of, "I have already invested this much...I have to keep going no matter what to recover it" which never works out well. I know many who make a dollar or two a month online and it is all they need to keep spending since they are "so close" to the big win.


Very sad...


I joined a while back. It can be very addicting.  Once I realized it was a scam I asked paypal to go after them.  After that, they deleted me  :D  I have not heard from them since then.

There are two ways to face the future. One way is
with apprehension; the other is with anticipation  .


I always deleted emails from empowr. Its funny, I had never even sign up to it  and only later I understand from  a chat that we can post name and emails of our acquaintance on their list.  I guess that is why they got my email.  How ever thanks for  the warning.


This really tickles me. I had never work on the site and this is the reminder to delete the account.

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