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Marketing Checkpoint

Involvement in MLMs

I belong to # of MLM businesses  

44 members have voted

  1. 1. In how many MLM businesses/opportunities are you involved?

    • 0
    • 1
    • 1-2
    • 3-4
    • 5-7
    • 8-10
    • 10+

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Let's take a poll. Maybe you're not in to MLM or have never tried, or refuse to get back in to the form of business.


What has been your involvement and experience? I think there's tons of potential if you're focused and you must hustle doing whatever it takes to grow. Average individuals have become millionaires through hard work and hustle, and no special skills.


What would you do differently if you knew what you know now?



Hustle. Do everything in your power to reach beyond your goals.

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It is a grey area re: definition, I think. Practically every program we use, we tend to promote as well. since almost all (Traffic Exchanges, here, etc etc) have more than one tier in their referral/affiliate programs, they could all be considered MLM couldn't they?

I however, voted '1' for SFI as guess you are asking about more traditional MLM opps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe I should have been a bit more specific but I wouldn't really consider Traffic Exchanges in the same boat as SFI, for example. You don't earn commissions off of sales 3 levels deep from a Traffic Exchange, normally anyway.

Very true Matt. The difference is clearly obvious. It can get a bit hazy around some 'multi-tiered affiliate programs' though. Peerhaps the thing that marks some MLM programs out from these is the requirement for you to buy the product/service to be considered 'active' whereas affiliate programs, regardless of how many tiers, don't normally have any qualifier like this.

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Most business opportunity today's are multi-leveled commission based. These are exactly the type of business model uses by network marketing business which so many people were "against" in the beginning yet it became the most sought after business model today. Why? Because its Fair! All boils down to the individual own hardwork and dedication.


People made lots of money in MLM or Network Marketing because they had worked and talked more about their business than anyone else ;-)

"Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words." - George Eliot


Have a Day of Abundance & Happiness!

Make Money Smartly Blog


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While many of the tools and resources I use online are considered "MLM", I only have one true MLM that I consider my "Primary MLM".  Everything else is generating leads and paying me to do so.  It's rather brilliant ;-)

There is no secret to building a successful MLM, you have to focus on it and become very involved - become a product of the product and stay the course.


As I use the Internet, building an MLM takes on a whole new challenge and I quite love it!

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  • 2 months later...

This is the way I see it. You can make anything look good using numbers where evrybody signs up as many as they are required too. However numbers are not people. I am in one that you can make money even when someone says no. You have to understand that people are differnt. Some work hard and stick, most are lazy and if they don't see results in a week or two,lol, just drop out. You need to keep the hunan factor in mind in any business you join.

All The Best,


Skype ted.carter24


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  • 11 months later...

I think I have tried over two dozen programs.  I can recruit referrals but you cannot make them participate or invest in the programs.

I have given up on the whole idea!


I am now doing "paid to advertise" programs.


With these type of programs, you purchase advertising packages and make a return on the amount you buy.


You don't really need referrals although I still recruit and am actually doing better with this type of program!


Wishing Everyone Success,

Ruth Plant



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  • 4 months later...

I found one that works, and that's the one I'm in.  So, when you are searching for something, it will always be in the last place you're looking!  Now that I've found it, I'm looking for people who are looking for what works.


I do not consider TE's to be MLM, even though someone might stretch the technical definition to be paid several levels down.  TE's are a tool we use to advertise, and that's all.  If you own a TE, I believe your primary task is still advertising, in fact, even more so, since you have to advertise your TE helping others to advertise ... etcetera, etcetera, etcetera!


TE's have evolved.  I think there's another thread about this, but I remember the "good ole days" of TE's when you could get a free founders upgrade that meant something.  Or, when you could get 1:1 surf ratio as a free member and even better in some cases.  Now, everybody has a "downline builder"--and that, BTW, is the highly recommended way to utilize TE's.  I was in the downline builder of all downline builders--Diving for Income--which was not a TE, but rather a membership site that promoted TE's!!  It worked very well for many years, then the owner got tired and instead of selling it, he just made all the graphics proprietary, then sold it.  But it was never the same; why, I still haven't figured out. lol.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Matt,


I selected 10+ because I'm in numerous programs that could be consider MLM, Network Marketing, and etc...




I leverage my time and effort thru the help of others promotions in addition to my own.


BTW, I highly recommend MLM type of programs! :ph34r:

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